Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Apprentice no more!

After the meeting in the tavern Alexander stopped by to see Marcus the Decent. The young wizard was then followed back to the Small two story house he had taken over since the original owners had been outed as members of the cult of Palimbybis. The bearers placed all the glassware into straw lined crates and left them upon the table near the hearth as Alexander asked.

With this, the last ingredients he needed had been procured, at no small cost. Barring the door and windows the young man moved everything to the open room on the second floor. Candles, chalk, lantern and oil, the glassware from Marcus, a handful of gems he had collected in the past weeks. Standing at the edge of the circle he had painstakingly drawn out upon the floor of the room, Alexander began chanting the words of power. Slowly walking around the room in a circle, drawing in power as if from the very air itself. The world outside faded away and the candle flames seemed become like small suns each burning with an almost unbearable intensity.

 The incessant chanting was beginning to grate even on those who knew Alexander well. A majority of the townsfolk avoided the small house with fear in their eyes. At times it seemed as if there was at least one other person in the house with the spellcaster, as another voice could almost be discerned chanting along with him. What really pushed the locals over the edge was when the pale white worms started erupting from the ground all around the house. Like fat maggots bursting from a bloated corpse they appeared by the hundreds! Writhing about for minutes before bursting into a bluish flame and leaving a greasy ash behind.

 It took Lars and the others a serious show of force to calm the torch and pitchfork bearing crowd. Beavis arrived and was able to calm the folk and many rounds of free ale did flow.

The morning of the last day of the third week. Alexander emerged from the house, strode across the square and opened the door of the White Horse with a wave of his hand. The collected party who had just begun breakfast turned to look at the young man framed in the doorway.

"I started this journey many years ago, and labored hard under the tutelage of Hedge master Gonwyn. The man-beasts of Chaos keep laid him low and I have since done my best to aid and protect you all as he would. I have spoken with those beyond death, I have made deals with one beyond comprehension, and now I wield my own staff of power. I am Alexander Ballistic! Apprentice NO MORE!!!!


  1. I am looking for a wizards apprentice of my own soon. Someone with the potential for great and powerful magics.

    1. Keep your eyes peeled, your WIZARD EYES!!!!!!!!
