Listed here are some, but by no means all of the Gods.
Braz-Kazan, God of smoke and fires of the earth.
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Braz-Kazan |
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: Cloud of smoke
Teth Tufa, the Rock-Mother, Hearth Keeper.
Teth Tufa is the companion of both Braz-Kazen and Kazadarum. She is invoked for her permission and guidance before all mining, construction or stone-crafting.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Granite Triangle
Kazadarum, the Bones of the Earth, Rock-Father or First One.
He appears as a dwarf carved of stone, and involves himself primarily with dwarf affairs. At times he has been known to aid non-dwarfs in exchange for an Oath-binding. In battle he smashes foes with his gigantic fists. He is the primary ancestor of all dwarf clans, and is first to be honored in all ceremonies.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Gold Hammer on purple field.
Thanatos, God of peaceful death, Bringer of eternal night, Keeper of souls.
Thanatos is not the sole God of death, nor is he the absolute embodiment of death. He also serves as a Patron to those wishing to forestall or speed the act of death, bearing witness to all that die on Eroc greeting them in the afterlife, and in rare occasions granting a reprieve from death. Thanatos has two daughters; Alinah & Carnifex.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Green Skull
Spells: See special list
Losborst, God of Wine.
Losborst appears as a roly-poly giant of a man wearing a crown of grapes. He is often depicted drinking or tending vineyards. He always has a decanter of endless wine. Though most mistake him for a Chaotic god he is actually quite lawful and cares greatly for the common mortal and their well being. A very popular deity invoked at weddings, funerals and births. At times his drunken antics do infuriate his more strict lawful fellow Gods.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Chalice of grapes
Spell: Drunkeness
Limtram, Goddess of Meadows.
Limtram inhabits meadows, fields and farming pastures. Also known as Sister of the Field, Meadow Mother and Spirit of the Pasture. She is often worshipped to varying degrees by farmers and even has her own Druidical sect, the Children of the Harvest. Being of Neutral alignment she rarely involves herself in matters outside that which directly affects her followers or the state of the natural world in which her followers reside.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Glowing Radish
Mabont, God of Sight, Seer of the Gods.
Mabont appears as a chalk white skinned man with a large red eye in his chest. He wears a necklace of
twelve eyeballs, each with a different magic power; as well as a robe of eyes. He also employs a sword called Blinder. Often sought by those wishing to see forthcoming events, or invoked by those wishing to not be surprised by unforeseen circumstances or foes.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Red Eye
Spell: Wizard Eye /
Mesha, the Bringer of Change.
The goddess Mesha takes the form of a woman of unmatched beauty. Her long hair changes color with the seasons. In the spring it is light brown. In the summer, it is dark red and smells of jasmine. In autumn, her hair turns golden brown. In the winter, her hair is coal black. Her pale skin shimmers with a golden light.
Mesha is extremely unpredictable and her cultists are wary of her. When of good cheer, she can aid her worshipers greatly, but a mood of indifference might see anything happen as she turns casually destructive, turning fertile land to arctic waste. To those who appease her whims, she may reward with a fitting gift while those who offend her at the moment might be smitten with a potent curse.
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: Snow covered twig sprouting leaves
Spell: Polymorph other/self
Tar-Ark, God of Invisible.
Tar-Ark is Neutral and can appear in the form of a boy with the tail of a monkey, or as a small monkey (see pic). He will aid those who call and ask for help. Usually he would rather turn invisible than face a fight. Tar-Ark is generally found to be worshiped in the isles of the Southern Coasts.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: glass monkey
Spell: Animal summoning
Sashu, God of Justice and Blind Beggars.
Sashu knows every move and desire of those that summon him. He carries the Sword of Judgment and will not hesitate to use its powers upon those so deserving. He is known to travel the mortal realm in many guises, the most common being a blind beggar. Depending upon how he is treated in this mortal guise he will appropriately deal out a sort of karmic justice in the form of good or bad things that befall those he encounters. He is also called upon to oversee most legal matters.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A balance, measuring scales
Spell: Know Alignment
Corrno, God of Thieves
Patronized by thieves of all types, Corrno was a small sneaky looking man in life. He was also such a consumate rogue that he actually became a deity by swindling the other Gods, or so legend says. Corrno appears in ragged clothing wearing a wool cap and always wields a rather unremarkable looking mace in battle.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Lockpick
Spell: Charm Person
Coriptis, Goddess of battle and berserkers.
The Goddess always appears as a tall red headed woman dressed in thin black chainmail with Mal-Kazi her dancing sword. She is known to watch over any and all battles involving her followers and has been known to join in if they are outnumbered. To those who perform Mighty Deeds of Arms in her name, she has been known to grant boons.
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: Red Sword
Alinah, Goddess of the Moon.
Alinah is the second daughter of Thanatos. Revered by creatures of the night, and fond of lycanthropes.
She has little use for those who call upon her in daylight hours, and is constantly in conflict with her husband Umannah for dominance of the sky. Her followers will always attempt to sack temples to any Sun gods.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Crescent moon
Beytnorn, God of Trees and woodlands.
Also known as the Lord of the Forest by the elves, Beytnorn is ancient beyond reckoning. His symbol is the oak leaf and is commonly found to adorn shields and armor of those good people dwelling in or near forests. The elves respect and pay homage to Beytnorn as does a small sect of human Druids.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Tree
Modron, Demi-Goddess of the Estuary of Roglaroon
Modron (Maw-drun), is known to actually dwell in the Estuary of Roglaroon and the city of Modron is named after her. Worshiped by Rivermen and those who make their living upon such pay homage to her. She enjoys appearing to her followers but seldom speaks and rarely grants prayers for help.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Trident
Trameron, God of the Five Seas
Trameron appears as a green, heavily scaled man with webbed hands and feet. Sometimes portrayed
with a tail instead of legs. He wears a golden circlet and wields a platinum trident to great effect. It is said that when in a portentous mood, he will predict the immediate future.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Dolphin
Spell: Breathe Underwater
Sinakad, God of Mercy for the Trapped
Sinakad appears either as a Ram headed man or a man with ram horns. He hates all Chaotic spawned evil with a mad burning passion. He's also known to wield fabulous magical weapons in battle.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Ram's Horn
Umannah, the Sun God, The Radiant Death
Umannah appears as a 30' tall man with fire for hair and golden skin. He has a single eye from which he projects his ray of lawful cleansing. His sword is comprised of a glowing white light. Umannah is said to have
power over all types of fire creatures, and sometimes he assumes the shape of a sparkling ball of light. He and his followers wage a constant battle with the followers of his wife Alinah, the Goddess of the Moon.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Gold & Red Spiral
Tika-Nahu, the Flaming One, God of Campfires
Tika-Nahu appears as a small child with three arms and wearing a suit of fire as armor. He has been known to aid in the forging of swords, though he must be compensated greatly for doing so, if not he will curse the item. He is attributed to being responsible for the creation of many powerful Chaotic weapons.
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: fire-ball
Teth Tufa, the Rock-Mother, Hearth Keeper.
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Teth Tufa |
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Granite Triangle
Kazadarum, the Bones of the Earth, Rock-Father or First One.
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Kazadarum |
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Gold Hammer on purple field.
Thanatos, God of peaceful death, Bringer of eternal night, Keeper of souls.
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Thanatos |
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Green Skull
Spells: See special list
Losborst, God of Wine.
Losborst appears as a roly-poly giant of a man wearing a crown of grapes. He is often depicted drinking or tending vineyards. He always has a decanter of endless wine. Though most mistake him for a Chaotic god he is actually quite lawful and cares greatly for the common mortal and their well being. A very popular deity invoked at weddings, funerals and births. At times his drunken antics do infuriate his more strict lawful fellow Gods.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Chalice of grapes
Spell: Drunkeness
Limtram, Goddess of Meadows.
Limtram inhabits meadows, fields and farming pastures. Also known as Sister of the Field, Meadow Mother and Spirit of the Pasture. She is often worshipped to varying degrees by farmers and even has her own Druidical sect, the Children of the Harvest. Being of Neutral alignment she rarely involves herself in matters outside that which directly affects her followers or the state of the natural world in which her followers reside.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Glowing Radish
Mabont, God of Sight, Seer of the Gods.
Mabont appears as a chalk white skinned man with a large red eye in his chest. He wears a necklace of
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Mabont |
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Red Eye
Spell: Wizard Eye /
Mesha, the Bringer of Change.
The goddess Mesha takes the form of a woman of unmatched beauty. Her long hair changes color with the seasons. In the spring it is light brown. In the summer, it is dark red and smells of jasmine. In autumn, her hair turns golden brown. In the winter, her hair is coal black. Her pale skin shimmers with a golden light.
Mesha is extremely unpredictable and her cultists are wary of her. When of good cheer, she can aid her worshipers greatly, but a mood of indifference might see anything happen as she turns casually destructive, turning fertile land to arctic waste. To those who appease her whims, she may reward with a fitting gift while those who offend her at the moment might be smitten with a potent curse.
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: Snow covered twig sprouting leaves
Spell: Polymorph other/self
Tar-Ark, God of Invisible.
Tar-Ark is Neutral and can appear in the form of a boy with the tail of a monkey, or as a small monkey (see pic). He will aid those who call and ask for help. Usually he would rather turn invisible than face a fight. Tar-Ark is generally found to be worshiped in the isles of the Southern Coasts.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: glass monkey
Spell: Animal summoning
Sashu, God of Justice and Blind Beggars.
Sashu knows every move and desire of those that summon him. He carries the Sword of Judgment and will not hesitate to use its powers upon those so deserving. He is known to travel the mortal realm in many guises, the most common being a blind beggar. Depending upon how he is treated in this mortal guise he will appropriately deal out a sort of karmic justice in the form of good or bad things that befall those he encounters. He is also called upon to oversee most legal matters.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A balance, measuring scales
Spell: Know Alignment
Corrno, God of Thieves
Patronized by thieves of all types, Corrno was a small sneaky looking man in life. He was also such a consumate rogue that he actually became a deity by swindling the other Gods, or so legend says. Corrno appears in ragged clothing wearing a wool cap and always wields a rather unremarkable looking mace in battle.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Lockpick
Spell: Charm Person
Coriptis, Goddess of battle and berserkers.
The Goddess always appears as a tall red headed woman dressed in thin black chainmail with Mal-Kazi her dancing sword. She is known to watch over any and all battles involving her followers and has been known to join in if they are outnumbered. To those who perform Mighty Deeds of Arms in her name, she has been known to grant boons.
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: Red Sword
Alinah, Goddess of the Moon.
Alinah is the second daughter of Thanatos. Revered by creatures of the night, and fond of lycanthropes.
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Alinah |
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Crescent moon
Beytnorn, God of Trees and woodlands.
Also known as the Lord of the Forest by the elves, Beytnorn is ancient beyond reckoning. His symbol is the oak leaf and is commonly found to adorn shields and armor of those good people dwelling in or near forests. The elves respect and pay homage to Beytnorn as does a small sect of human Druids.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Tree
Modron, Demi-Goddess of the Estuary of Roglaroon
Modron (Maw-drun), is known to actually dwell in the Estuary of Roglaroon and the city of Modron is named after her. Worshiped by Rivermen and those who make their living upon such pay homage to her. She enjoys appearing to her followers but seldom speaks and rarely grants prayers for help.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Trident
Trameron, God of the Five Seas
Trameron appears as a green, heavily scaled man with webbed hands and feet. Sometimes portrayed
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Dolphin
Spell: Breathe Underwater
Sinakad, God of Mercy for the Trapped
Sinakad appears either as a Ram headed man or a man with ram horns. He hates all Chaotic spawned evil with a mad burning passion. He's also known to wield fabulous magical weapons in battle.
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Sinakad in man form |
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Ram's Horn
Umannah, the Sun God, The Radiant Death
Umannah appears as a 30' tall man with fire for hair and golden skin. He has a single eye from which he projects his ray of lawful cleansing. His sword is comprised of a glowing white light. Umannah is said to have
power over all types of fire creatures, and sometimes he assumes the shape of a sparkling ball of light. He and his followers wage a constant battle with the followers of his wife Alinah, the Goddess of the Moon.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Gold & Red Spiral
Tika-Nahu, the Flaming One, God of Campfires
Tika-Nahu appears as a small child with three arms and wearing a suit of fire as armor. He has been known to aid in the forging of swords, though he must be compensated greatly for doing so, if not he will curse the item. He is attributed to being responsible for the creation of many powerful Chaotic weapons.
Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: fire-ball
Spell: Pyrotechnics
Grismal, Guardian of the Underworld, Doorman of Thanatos
Grismal has two heads and can see into all the planes of existence at once. He guards the spirits and bodies of the deceased and makes sure they arrive in the proper locations to travel onward once they leave the physical realm. His followers are largely grave-diggers, the elderly and those who wish to make sure their family members travel to the next world in peace.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Cross
**Frik-Chaka, The Walker between Worlds, The Duke of Dimensions.
Frik-chaka is an ancient God still worshiped by primitive tribes of First men in the far northwest of
Eroc. He is usually depicted as a stout bearded man adorned in silver raiment. He is always accompanied by three companions. The first companion is a newly born deer calf, the second is a young First-man wearing silver bracers and the last is an obsidian ball that can kill or heal at Frik-chaka's whim. The God has been known to appear with strange gifts and toss them at onlookers before blinking away, as well as offering council or even blasting threatening monsters or foes with rays of light, or just bashing in their skulls with a club. When Frik-chaka appears the young First-man bids all onlookers with the saying "Chaka-friend" while holding his palms up and towards those he speaks to. How this phrase is answered is rumored to determine how the his mood will be when dealing with mortals. Some believe that the four forms; man / deer / first-man / Orb are actually all the same being from multiple realities, whether or not this is true is anyone's guess.
Stellaris is a great dragon that fills the sky. His appearance can be awe inspiring or terribly catastrophic. All Dragonkind pay heed to the great Stellaris.
Grismal, Guardian of the Underworld, Doorman of Thanatos
Grismal has two heads and can see into all the planes of existence at once. He guards the spirits and bodies of the deceased and makes sure they arrive in the proper locations to travel onward once they leave the physical realm. His followers are largely grave-diggers, the elderly and those who wish to make sure their family members travel to the next world in peace.
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Cross
**Frik-Chaka, The Walker between Worlds, The Duke of Dimensions.
Frik-chaka is an ancient God still worshiped by primitive tribes of First men in the far northwest of
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Orb of Frik-Chaka |
Alignment: ?
Symbol: a silver deer calf or black orb with a silver stripe bisecting it.
Spell: comprehend Languages
Symbol: a silver deer calf or black orb with a silver stripe bisecting it.
Spell: comprehend Languages
Player -creation: Geg & Larry
**Stellaris, The Stellar Drake, The King of Dragons.
Stellaris is a great dragon that fills the sky. His appearance can be awe inspiring or terribly catastrophic. All Dragonkind pay heed to the great Stellaris.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: A white sunburst
Symbol: A white sunburst
Sally: Regarding Sashu, God of Justice and Blind Beggars, it does not state if he is a lawful god. Also, since we are driven from our homes and turned into beggars along with all the survivors of Eros, might neutral and chaotics take this god as 1 of their 5? Many of us are out for justice, to right the wrongs done to our friends and families in Eros and other places we have traveled.
ReplyDeleteSashu is Neutral, the God lists have all been fixed above.
DeletePlayers may choose any Gods for their Top 5 regardless of alignment. Only Clerics must match Alignment with their #1 Deity choice.
Sally: Regarding the god Sin-Naked that Tyrrian invokes, why does the young man seem so interested in Naked Sin?
ReplyDeleteOnly Tarek is interested in Naked Sin. Sinakad is different, see description above.
DeleteRegarding gods, does my alingment matter when worshiping many gods?
ReplyDeleteOnly if you are a Cleric, your #1 choice reflects your Primary Deity and you must match his/her alignment.
DeleteThe Gods are a jealous lot.