Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Dwarves of Eroc

 The dwarves of the World of Eroc are a fading ancient race. The majority of whom dwell in scattered mountain strongholds. Often appreciated for their innate skills in healing, mining, and metal smithing, most are tolerated wherever they go. Many a Lord or King has funneled vast sums of gold to a dwarf for his services as a smith.

Often described as short, ugly old men with beards, Dwarfs actually vary greatly in not only height but general appearance as well.

All dwarfs can also actually smell gold, and can become quite covetous about it as well to the point of violence. As warriors, a dwarf armed with a hand weapon and shield is a powerful opponent and not one to be taken lightly.

Dwarfs are also quite fond of strong drink in large quantities, as well as songs, and games of skill. To become a Dwarf-Friend is a serious matter for any non-dwarf. Dwarfs take this bond very seriously and have been known to devote their lives to entire generations of humans because of a bond formed with an ancestor of the family. To break this bond is also a great offense and entire dwarf family clans have been known to "Bring down the Hammer" on those unfortunate enough to cause such a matter.

What does this mean in game:
  All Dwarf players will roll on the Racial Chart, Dwarfs: Many/Some. This chart imbues an assortment of traits that each dwarf has and help make the character especially unique.

What Dwarfs aren't:
 Dwarfs of Eroc are not little vikings that live in mountains.
 They are rarely found in groups of more than 20 in human lands and kingdoms.
 They are not particularly friendly with elves, and greatly dislike goblins.
 They are not mortal in the Human sense.

** See Dwarf Forged Weapons in the World of Eroc section for more specific Dwarf information.

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