Saturday, March 29, 2014

DCC Chapter 22: Of Life & Death in Tegel

After getting affairs straight in Modron and leaving a few of the Heroes to keep an eye on things, the bulk of the group boards the Dragon boat setting sail for Tegel.

The boat is beached near the lighthouse and Captain Hookah, Gilligan, Faroud elect to stay at the Trident while the others head to Hero's Hill to excavate Sven.

The groups first task is to venture out onto the moors after dark and at midnight summon the Banshee Rhianna, whom they saved from imprisonment within Tegel. (see Chapter 9) This errand would not be without much danger as venturing anywhere outside of the village after dark is considered a death sentence. The moors cannot be traveled by horse or wagon therefore a few hours before midnight the brave band set out with the corpse of Sven carried between them on a litter.

Beavis plunges into the thick night fog followed by Lars and his legal valet Pearl, Erwyn, Tyrrian, Kyoto, and Vala, while Tarek, Chi and Garrotte stay behind at the Tavernacle.

As the bell from the Abbey of Law tolls the witching hour Beavis calls out the Banshee's name three times. After a long moment of silence a spine-tingling wail is heard echoing in the night. Suddenly the ghostly form of a beautiful young woman appears before the cleric. For a brief instant everyone is sure she is going to kill Beavis, but then she leans forward and greets him with a soft kiss. "I, we've come to beg of you that favor of which you promised us upon your release." stutters the red-faced cleric as he kneels beside the linen swathed corpse.
"That I would return one of yours should they fall, I remember." Her ghostly hands stroke the form of Sven and the body seems to swell with strength, "I warn you though, he may not be exactly as you knew him. Nor may he be happy about what you've done."

A terrible cry arises from the Warrior as the burial wraps fell from him, hands grasping Beavis tightly he moans, "Why! I sat in Valhalla! I drank and warred with Coriptis! This mortal pain racks me!"

Sven, a single tear running from his good eye staggers to his feet. His hands explore the jagged scar running from his forehead to chin on the left side of his face. His left aye a blank white orb. Dropping to his knees the mighty thewed warrior cries softly to himself.

"Here, I brought you some clothes and a new axe." says Lars presenting a bundle from his pack.

Dressed but still somewhat dazed Sven turns to the party, "What now?"

It is at this moment that death strikes, as three large stones arc through the fog. The first strikes Beavis on the top of the head dropping him instantly, the second crushes the life from Pearl, and the third smashes Lars in the back knocking him down breathless! Lumbering out of the fog come the fabled Mist-men, thickly muscled and twice the size of an average man. A terrible battle ensues seeing the severe wounding of Beavis, Lars, and Erwyn. Vala and her fire-sprite put up a valiant effort fending off a Mist-Man from dealing a death-blow to Lars only to have the life crushed from her. Kyoto blasts the Mist-men with her Fox-fires as Tyrrian
and Erwyn team up to slay another of the night-creatures. The survivors are able to make their way to Abbey and nurse lick the wounds they suffered there until dawn.

The party spends the following day and night in Tegel village catching up with the locals. Most are happy to see the Heroes as well as the new faces, but a few villagers still harbor disdain for the adventurers.

The next morning the bulk of the group heads out to the Manor in a borrowed wagon while Tarek stays behind to investigate rumors of a flaming beast lurking in the woods nearby.

Arriving at the Manor the group sees that the wards placed upon the main entrance by Alexander ust over a year ago are gone! Is this because the inhabitants have overcome the spells power, or is it because Alexander removed the magic himself at the behest of his Patron Sezrekan? The party decides to scout out the entire outskirts of the sprawling abode. On the eastern side facing the sea a large marble gazebo is found. The entire edifice is overgrown with thick shrubs and rose bushes. Erwyn is intrigued and approaches intent on discovering if any secret entrances are hidden within. Erwyn is quickly taken back by the strange almost intelligent movements of the rose bushes, rather than fall victim to unknown dangers the dwarf sets fire to place and watches as the roses see to avoid the flames but in the end are burned away.

Also along this side of the manor is the abode of Sir Robert. The dilapidated guest lodge sits overlooking the cliffs to the sea below. Out front an old well beckons like an open maw to the underworld. Passed out on the front porch of the lodge, feet propped up on the rail is Sir Robert himself surrounded by a score of empty wine bottles. Lars shakes his head and enters the open door into the front parlor. Inside are two burly Skandik warriors engaged in a game of cards. For brief second everyone eyes each other, then Lars sits at the table and sets down some coin. The Skandiks smile at each other and deal Lars in.

Sir Robert is roused from slumber when Erwyn pushes him out of his chair. The delirious noble greets the party and remarks that someone has set fire to the gazebo, again. He then welcomes the party and is happy to see new faces among them, especially the Sorceress of Karak. He then very crudely makes advances upon her and is scared out of his wits as she casts Ekim's Mystical mask.

Lars stays with Sir Robert and the Skandiks while the rest make the circuit of the rest of the Manor. A pair of old Mausoleums are discovered round the back and a rather large graveyard is within waling distance of the manor as well. Upon returning to the lodge the party decides to try and gain entry through a pair of large iron gates on the eastern wall. The area looks to be a carriage entrance.   

Spectral horses are heard within the stalls and a large black coach sits within. Inside a halfling sized coffin is discovered of which the party quickly drags out into the sun and destroys. Heading north out of the carriage house the group heads deeper into the north wing.

The short foray north reveals a hidden doorway in a staircase leading up to the second story of the north wing. The group chooses to explore the secret hallway and soon finds themselves in a bone filled sauna. Just south of the sauna room is a plush lounge inhabited by a mean black cat.

Erwyn is quick to lead the party in killing the feline which upon death, evaporates in a greasy black cloud with one of Lars throwing knives.

A small indoor garden is discovered housing a nest of bug-like sprites, the little creatures are friendly enough and have no helpful knowledge.

A group of skeletal men-at-arms are encountered in the Damp hallway outside the garden room and are quickly destroyed!

Lastly a richly furnished bedroom is opened and two Gish slave-girls are found and released from bondage. Through sign the girls warn of a secret room that has the power to entrance the mind. Lars almost falls victim but resists the call of "Unending Pleasure".

Deciding it would be best to send the slave-girls to the safety of the village before exploring any further the party retraced their steps and sent the girls on the wagon back to town with a note for Tarek.

The group now preps for a second short foray and hopefully to get back out before nightfall. It is now high noon.

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