Sunday, June 2, 2024

PSI WORLD: an 80's RPG gets dusted off for play.

 PSI World of EROC!

One possible prelude to the Gamma Mutant Future World of Eroc! This will become a deep RPG dive into my universe.

by Fantasy Games Unlimited

PSI World, where the players choose to belong to one side or the other in a sociological and genetic clash of power. The world is slightly more advanced than present day. Regular shuttles service both orbiting space stations as well as lunar bases. The nearest planets and asteroids have been visited by manned probes. But most important, psionic abilities have begun to appear in the human genome.

Pure Strains (humans without PSI ability) are more and more starting to view PSI's ( Psionic able humans) with fear and suspicion. Good and Bad actors from both sides are maneuvering and vying for political and economic power, as the divide between the two branches of humanity widens.

To start we rolled up a pair of characters today so we can play a short Mini-campaign or two this year.

Character #1: Dane Granger, PSI. (created by Mark E.) Dane is a 21 year old drifter that uses his skill of operating construction vehicles to get work as he moves from place to place. His PSI ability is teleportaion, which he uses to commit various thefts. 

Character #2: Winston Griffith, PSI. (created by Mightyeroc, will be a GM NPC) Winston is a 22 year old technician for SECSYS Corp. This company installs security systems that can detect PSI abilities. Winston uses his position to feed information about these technologies to the PSI underground. He is also adept at creating falsifed ID documents for renegade PSI's escaping persecution or infiltrating Non-PSI areas.

Players will also be creating Pure Strain (non PSI) characters as well. These characters may work with or against the Psionic PC's in game.

Stay tuned for adventure write ups & campaign background coming soon.

movie: PUSH

Want a copy of PSI WORLD for yourself? Use the link below for physical copies.

Want PDF, go here:

Character Sheet here:

Be seeing you.

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