Tuesday, June 18, 2024

For valor, fairness and truth! THE JOUST!!

 Tourney season is upon thee! Prepare yourself for FULL TILT! a game of jousting and knightly combat.

With the rules for the minigame from an old White Dwarf magazine, cardstock terrain and a heap of paper miniatures from OKUMARTS. We play an afternoon's worth of Jousting Fun!! The Barony of Avondale lies just west of the Duchy of Marqest and it is here we find ourselves embroiled the politics and social combat of the Summer Tournaments.

To Start let's meet the teams:

Team Blue

The Blue team is led by: Syldar Windforge the Honorable (center), Ravanwulf Windsword the Dapper (left), and Fariel Von Castor the Divine (right).

This team represents all that is good and just in the Kingdom. They are accompanied by a champion Bowman by the name of: Finn Voltashard who will participate in the Archery contest after the joust.

This team is run by: Mark E.

Team Red

The Red Team is led by: Vorozz Blackspawn the Defiler (center), Ravinian Necrobane the cursed (left), and Morrez Greyforge the Malicious (right).

This team represents all that is foul and treacherous in the Kingdom. They are accompanied by a champion bowman by the name of: Morran Dreadflame who will test his skill in the Archery contest after the joust.

This team is run by: Mightyeroc

The court of Avondale

The crowd gathers and awaits the first round! The contestants will be Syldar Windforge vs. Ravanian Necrobane. Will honor triumph over treachery? Let's find out. . . 

Round 1!

Tilt round 1

The first tilt goes to Red with 3 lances broken vs. 2 lances from Blue. No one gets unhorsed.

At the far end of the field a group of minstrels sings the praises of the rules of S.A.F.E.T.Y. 

the SAFETY dance
On to round two!

Tilt round 2

In the second round we have Fariel Von Castor vs. Vorozz Blackspawn, and it is a hard fought joust as Red just makes a win with 2 lances broken against 1 from the Blue team.

Round 3!

Tilt round 3

In the final round we have Ravanwulf Windsword vs. Morezz Greyforge. Once again the game is close as Red just barely gets in 3 broken lances against 2 for Blue!

The final points are tallied and we have:

BLUE: 5 lances broken

RED: 8 lances broken


The crowd jeers at the team Red, but was never the less quite entertained. The most amazing thing was no combatant was unhorsed, showing that all of them are skilled jousters.

The field is cleared and set up for the Archery contest. There will be three rounds total. Round 1 at short range, Round 2 at medium range, and Round 3 at long range. Each archer gets three shots per round, with a hit worth 1 point and a Bullseye worth 2 points.

The targets are ready.

Morran Dreadflame for the RED team and Finn Voltashard for the BLUE team take the field, and the crowd goes silent. 

Red (left), Blue (right)

Round 1 goes to Red with 5 points scored with 2 bullseyes and a hit, while Blue gets 3 points from 3 solid hits. 

Round 2 sees Blue win with 2 points as Red scores only 1, but Red still leads with points.

As the bowman ready themselves for the final round, the crowd is unsure who will win.

Round 3 starts with Red scoring a hit and Blue getting a bullseye in the first shot. The second shot is missed by both archers and the crowd is squirming!! The third and final shot is a MISS for RED and a second bullseye for BLUE!!!! 

The crowd goes wild and then everyone retires to the Ale tents and feasting tables!!!

Archery Scores total:

BLUE - 9 points

RED - 7 points


More Tournament fun coming soon as the summer progresses. We will be adding Man to Man combat in the next Tourney.

Fare thee well!

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