Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Empire VS. Undead!

With the defeat of Wolfgang Von Kilestein the Undead progress is left unchecked. Growing in number after raising new forces from the old graveyard they march forth, getting ever closer to the sleepy town of Erichsburg.

A frightened farmer reports terrible smells and moaning wails coming from the mysterious woods near the old watchtower.

Captain Heinrich assembles his men, the time for battle has come!
Lumpin' Croops halfling archers the Fightin' Cocks are positioned on the far right flank covering the artillery. A small detachment; the Marienburg five; stand ready as well.

Two mortar teams prepare to barrage any incoming enemies, as Francisco the Flammable readies himself to give magical enhancements to the artillery.

The Battle Nun Nikola Rhoadislav joins the Erichsburg Halberdiers and a detachment of archers. Her prayers to Sigmar embolden the men.

Captain Heinrich holds the center with his brave unit of Spearmen and Handgunner detachment.

The forces of Erichsburg are rounded out with a unit of Handgunners and the infamous Free Company detachment Mermaid Bar Patrons led by Tor! (He's the bloke on the end hefting the mug of ale.)

The Undead creep up to the edge of the mist shrouded mysterious wood, what foulness might they awaken upon entering those trees?????
The birds eye view.......

Advancing, the Undead are unable to stir much of anything from the fog enshrouded wood.....

The Banshee senses souls ripe for the picking, and she shrieks with joy!

Emerging from the woods the Vampire and Necromancer unleash foul magic upon the assembled defenders of Erichsburg!

 As the mortar crews blast the ranks of skeletons, the Curse of Years does away with the entire Handgunner Unit!

A cloud of pestilence fails to find its mark and Heinrich holds the line, preparing for the charge. The Mermaid patron are also slain leaving Tor all alone!

Bad luck, or curse foils the attempts of the mortar crews as both are engulfed in a massive explosion!

Some would call him mad, most just stupid. Tor charges the entire Necromancer Skeleton unit and challenges the Skeleton champion to single combat!!! WTF! My Dice are HOT!

Meanwhile the Undead crash into the Imperial line and it begins to falter!!!!! The Fightin' Cocks rush to aid their fellows in time.

Francisco the Flammable rushes to aid his compatriots, as the Vampire unleashes terrible magic upon Captain Heinrich!

The use of Dark Magic backfires, destroying the Vampire and his entire Unit!!!! Captain Heinrich decides to take his remaining Spearmen back to Erichsburg before that Corpse cart gets any closer!!!  Fight On lads, Fight On!

What's this!?!?!?! Tor has bested the Skeletal Champion and with his skull in hand he taunts the entire unit into chasing him, thus saving his allies from a flank attack....... WOW! That model is getting upgraded to Hero status, the dice rolls were off the HOOK!

The Corpse Cart does its thing, looks grim for the living.........

Heinrichs Handgunners make a brave stand and fire at the Corpse cart as the Banshee and her Zombie horde break the Halberdiers! Can the Battle Nun rally them in time? Francisco blazes with fury and......

The Fire Wizard immolates nine undead in a single blast! Thus giving time for Nikola to rally the men and...

A fierce melee ensues, holding the Banshee in place as aid arrives when Lumpin Croop and his archers pepper the Corpse cart destroying it and letting them charge in to aid the beleaguered Nun and troopers.

  Slaying Heinrichs Handgunners the Necromancer escapes with her skeletons, her only loss the Champion felled by Tor...... She vows to return and raze Erichsburg to the ground!

The surviving heroes of the day, will they be able to defeat what horrible nightmares are to come? We shall see....

I killed your Champion, and next time I'll kill you too Necromancer! Henh, henh, hhheennhhhh!!!!!!

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