Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chapter 4: part 1a "Father Ted's tale"

As the party settles down to rest in the cavern of the basilisks, Father Ted now rested relates the following.
Palimdybis is said to dwell in a cavern at the center of the world. It has been worshiped under several guises throughout the eons. Centuries ago the Orichalian people became frightened of this god and all references of it were struck out, and his attributes were reassigned to new gods like Set and Thoth. Palimdybis can manifest itself through the body of specially prepared cultist, from whom it springs when the host is slain. It looks like a bloody mass of writhing bluish red-veined tentacles. Not all the chosen can fully accept the dark power of Palimdybis and it twists their forms into hideous monstrosities, or shameful parodies of man. The grey robed ones are the latter I believe from what we have seen.

Enough of this talk for now, let us dine on this lizard meat and rest ourselves for what may lie ahead.

*Moep and Bull Zi, the floating face you saw in the skeleton cave is in the above picture. Have a nice day.

P.S. Father Ted can answer questions in the comments section for as long as he remains with the group.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting tale. We'll definitely have to "have a word" with the Mayor when we return to Tegel.
