Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wine Cellars: A Wizardly Contest

 Wine Cellars prelude: A Wizardly Contest!

Somewhere deep in a secret lair of mighty magic & sorcery, three powerful wielders of mystic energies are deep into a philosophical debate and many empty bottles of VERY special vintage!!

L to R: Thwarx, Vulgari, & Hazbrooga

Thwarx the True: "Forsooth good Hazbrooga, the Rod was fairly won by Vulgari." said the wiry haired wizard, as he conjured up the last bottle of Marqrest Red. 

Hazbrooga the Stellar: "The Rod was my first choice!" gasped the portly mage, "my die roll was altered by this shoddy table!"

Vulgari the Learned: "First choice indeed!" The tall sorceror tightened his grip in the glowing rod, "You diced for the ring and you know it, now release your hold."

Thwarx the True: "I tire of this game anyway, we need something more exciting. Something to rouse our senses and get the heart pumping!"

Vulgari the Learned: "Ha, mental joust if you will! We shall match our intellects agaisnt one another and create a new spell!"

Hazbrooga the Stellar: "We did that last month Vulgari. Thwarx is correct, something else..." lifting his glass ans sipping the deep red wine. "Is this the last bottle?"

Vulgari the Learned: Looking about the chamber at all the empty bottles. "Hmm, it would seem it is. I thought we had more."

Thwarx the True: "I've got it! A competition!! A test of our magic, our mentorship, and our apprentices!"

Hazbrooga the Stellar: "What are you on about, Thwarx?"

Vulgari the Learned: "Go on good fellow, my interest is peaked."

Thwarx the True: "Each of us picks an apprentice, equips he or she both magically and mundanly. And we set them off to gather us more wine. Whoever returns with the best vintage wins!"

Hazbrooga the Stellar: "Equipped mundanly with no more than a single apprentice can carry, and each of us can supply them with one special spell for the trip!"

Vulgari the Learned: " Also, we may bestow upon them two items of magical power. No more and no less. But these items are to determined randomly from our collections!"

Thwarx the True: " Yes, and we shall watch thier progress remotely by crystal ball!"

Hazbrooga the Stellar: "OOh, I like this game. When do we start?"

Thwarx the True: "We shall also give our contenders a guide, a neutral party to keep them on track. Someone from that quaint village near the castle. What say you both??"

Vulgari the Learned: "I like that, my apprentice can sometimes get sidetracked. I agree!"

Hazbrooga the Stellar: "As long as the guide is not a user of the mystic arts, I agree."

Thwarx the True: "Alright, it is settled. We shall each choose an apprentice, outfit them and set them upon thier quest!"

In a laboratory a few doors down, another wielder of mighty magiks decides to join in on the contest.

Pristinio the Unwilling: "So my fellows think to win this game eh! I Pristionio shall equip an apprentice and add a fourth member to this contest! The wines shall be mine to claim!!

Watch out for a fantastic tale of frenzied wine gathering and freaky encounters deep in the cellars coming soon!  


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