White Star: Star Rogues episode 7: A Little help from friends
Game played on: 5/10/24
Josh: Dame Joodi Dench - Alien Mystic & Diplomatic Bot: CH-T8UM
Steven: Argenti Root - Bounty Hunter & R3-K8 mechanical bot
Joe: Zorn - Alien Brute
Scott: B00m-5haka-L0c4a - Robot, Sports/Entertainment model
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Argon Station |
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Argon Station - Vector 14/33
The shipment of parts was finally sorted and prepped for refurbishment. BOOM turned away from the racks and placed the empty bins in the corner. The robot yearned to overextend his spring coils and rezz up the null grav gyroscope. His hands crumpled a sheet of zyluminum into a ball, he spun around and tossed the now ball-shaped metal ten feet across the room. The ball ricocheted off a shelf and landed in a wastebin.
BOOM: "That's a 3 pointer!" the bots vox-box chimed, mimicking a GSPN announcer. [ BOOM turned to head for the exit, his shift was over and he felt the urge for a spicy lube pint from one of the bars on the station.]
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Supervisor Borg |
Supervisor Borg: You're sheduled for recycling duty next cycle B00m. You are meeting all work
standards that have been set for you. I must admit I did not think a Sport-Model like you would fit in here. You have exceeded our expectations. Have a good recharge cycle. [ The supervisor watches as B00m leaves the work area and heads for the lockers.]
BOOM: [ turning towards the Supervisor as he walks by] "No hocus pocus, just focus from Boom-Shaka-Locka on that drive!" Placing the non-static coverall in his locker, the tall robot dons his well worn Nova team jersey and leaves the Android Recycling and Parts Replacement warehouse. There was a time, he would have overloaded the logic capicitors on a Borg like her after a game. But those days were over, and he missed his team. Time for that drink, maybe more than one.
Theta-Blooms Hydroponic Agri-bar was packed with patrons. Since the disaster on Brinn Beta alot more ships were diverting through Argon station, and spacer crews were not shy about their shore leaves! At a circular table near the back of the bar a human, a pair of aliens and diplomatic-bot are deep into multiple rounds of drinks.
T8-TUM: Since our return from Gizon system, Dame and I have become engaged in a journey of enlightenment of not only ourselves but to bring the light to others as well.
Joodi: Illuma guides me, I follow where her light shines.
Zorn: This light shining your way to any creds?
Argenti: Well, I don't know about all this Lords of Light stuff but my old mentor Buloke paid homage to them. So do as you will my friend, I'm just no zealot for this stuff.
Joodi: There is more to life than creds, Zorn.
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Zorn |
Zorn: [The large alien brute frowns and finishes off the pitcher he's using as a mug.] Hugs and starlight never bought anyone more ammo and a stack of zorst steaks.
As the conversation continues Zorn happens to see a tall robot enter and head to the bar, the faded astro-ball jersey catches the big guy's attention as he notices the name and number on the back!
Zorn: Well I'll be a scratchers uncle! That looks like Boom-Shaka-Locka over at the bar.
Argenti & Joodi: Who? [ Looking in the direction Zorn indicates.]
Zorn: #81 Boom-Shaka-Locka! Star player of team Nova!? Astro-ball Champion! [ The brute is bewildered his friends have no clue who he refers to.]
T8-TUM: If I may sir, Zorn is speaking of the disgraced Astro-ball champion that was the only survivor of Tanoan system Solar Flare catastrophe of 3022. We watched the docu-drama on the feed last night.
Joodi: I must have been meditating during that part.
Zorn: [ getting up from the table] I'm going to see if I can get him to autograph the rookie holo-card I have. Imagine running into BOOM here on Argon!
Pushing his way through the crowd, Zorn reaches the bar and overhears the sports-bot trying in vain to order a drink, but his ability to only communicate in game calls is annoying the server.
Barman: Look buddy, I get that you're an astro fan but the lingo needs to be put in orbit. When you know what ya want tell me.
BOOM: " They need a timeout to stop the bleeding!" [This is so much easier with non-organic servers, as I can order using binary.]
A large figure looms over the former baller and he turns to get an optic full of a big organic
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Rookie Holo card image |
Zorn: Hey, aren't you BOOM-shaka-Locka? Will you autograph my card? I've followed you since you started with Aranons. I think you got shafted by Computia.
BOOM: " It's always been an adventure at the free throw line."
Zorn: I'll say! Hey would come meet my friends at our table?
BOOM: [ reaching for the holo-card, he is jostled by a patron moving to the bar.] " That was a smart foul!"
Zorn: Oh sorry, I mean if you don't wanna be bothered I'll move along. [ thinking the remark was meant for him]
BOOM: [turning towards Zorn and motioning to the brutes friends] "The refs should let them play." [ he then puts a digital-autograph on the rookie card.]
Zorn: [ smiling, he puts his arm around Boom's shoulder and guides him back towards his friends] Yeah, they should get to play. C'mon they're going to love you!
BOOM: "They play above the rim."
Zorn: Sure BOOM, we're all on the same team.
Minutes later a round of spicy-lube and a pitcher or three of Bloom ale are served up and the group get to talking. Suddenly the bar is stunned into silence as a shaggy old prospector climbs up on the bar pulls out a double barrel hand cannon and blasts a lighting fixture to smithereens!
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the old man |
Bar Patron: Stuff it, you old coot!
Prospector: Believe me or not, but I made these here maps from just a little of what lies waiting for someone to claim it! I got the RADS and no time left, so this is my gift to you blackhole bastards! Get it before the Consortium does! [ the old man tosses the golden maps up in the air and in an arc across the bar.]
The entire bar goes quiet as the light reflects off the golden rectangles, everyone thinking about what the old man said. Then chaos explodes across the room! Fists, tentacles, and a myriad of other appendages slap, swing, and pound into faces and bodies. Knives and pistols start to be drawn and the barman ducks down to get his own roomsweeper! He knows this is going to get real bad before station enforcement arrives. The old prospector on the bar points his gun into the crowd firing and howling like a rabid moon-hound.
Zorn made use of his "fake" grenade, allowing Argenti to grab a gold map plate and the party escaped from the bar out the emergency exit. Figuring they have little time to waste the group board the bounty hunters small ship and quickly decipher the star chart imprinted on the golden map.
Argneti: These are coordinates alright, but according to the nav-comp there is nothing there but empty space. The old guy could have made this all up, some kind of sick joke!
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Zorn: Or it's a real treasure map, and leads us to his secret stash! We better leave now!
Joodi: A new path lies before us, yet is our choice as to whether we follow it or not.
BOOM: "This game has turned into a free throw shooting contest!"
Argenti: Ok then. K8 power up the engines, looks like we're going on a treasure hunt.
A course is plotted and Argenti takes his ship out of Argon station headed into deep space. Once safely beyond the asteroid field they power up the jump drive and punch in the mysterious co-ordinates. During the week long trip in jump space, the ship suffers a minor malfunction leaving the flight deck in darkness as the interior illuminator power regulator overheats and becomes slag.
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Uncharted System - Vector 19/28
Soon after dropping out of jump, the group find they are indeed within an uncharted star system. They follow the map and soon locate the single hospitable planet and head for it. The long range detectors wail as another ship is picked up going in the same direction as our team.
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Survey ship: Amelia Earhardt |
Zorn: You got guns on this thing right, we should shoot them down!
Argenti: Calm your jets Z. We don't fire on anybody till we know their intentions. I'll signal them on the comms, see what sort of response we get. K8, take the wheel.
K8: -affirmative-
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Detector screen |
Argenti: Unidentified ship, this is Shesha's Nest. Please state your inten . . [ get's interrupted by Boom entering the cockpit]
BOOM: " It's a two possesion game." pointing at the blip on the detector screen.
Unknown Ship: Shesha's Nest, this is the Amelia Earhardt. We are on a parallel course for the planet ahead. Did you guys get one of those maps too?
Zorn: [whispering to Argenti] Get closer so we can shoot them, or maybe board them...
Argenti: [ waving Zorn out of the cockpit] Amelia, we did get a map. We would prefer to keep things peaceful if that's good with you? [ motions to K8 to maneuver their ship closer to the newcomer, and activates the vid-feed]
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Amelia pilot |
Amelia Earhardt: We would prefer that as well, we're just a survey vessel hoping to score this chance for a planetary listing. There isn't much we could do if you guys are lying anyway...
BOOM: "That was a ticky-tack call!" [moving into view of the comms vid-feed]
Amelia Earhardt: .. we, holy quasars!!! Is that BOOM-Shaka-Locka!?!
BOOM: [ giving a thumbs up sign] "Coast to Coast!"
Argenti: [ muttering to himself ] How does everyone recognize this Bot? Yeah, Earhardt. It's the old astro-champ himself!
Suddenly both ships detectors begin screaming as multiple incoming objects are picked up. It is quickly surmised the objects are missiles, and right behind them is the bulky ship that launched them. Some fancy flying by Argenti allows the Nest to avoid being hit, but the Earhardt is damaged and a casualty is seen being sucked out a hull rupture!
Amelia: Shesha's Nest, we're hit and venting O2. Engaging emergency landing protocols. We can't take another hit like that!
Argenti: Everyone strap in! [ turning back to the comm vid-feed ] Amelia, hold her steady I've got a plan. We're going to magno-grapple you and use my retros to stabilize your re-entry!
The two ships link up and are able to pull off an emergency landing without damaging themselves. Also the bounty hunter was able to knock out another pair of missiles fired at them by the intruder! Once planetside the crews of both ships make introductions and form a plan of action.
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Earhardt crew ATV |
The party leave K8 to help two of the Earhardt's crew repair their ship. While Todd and Amanda the planetary surveyors let the rest of our guys ride in the ATV they have. Using the map plates they head out for the location shown on the flipside of the star chart.
Joodi: [ to the group] I feel the light of Illuma here. It is strong, and has grown stronger since we landed.
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Joodi |
Amanda: That bodes well for our journey then right?
Todd: Seems you've got a fellow believer here 'manda. [ smiling he starts the ATV]
Argenti: We should go, no telling where that ship went that tried to kill us all.
Zorn: If we see them again, I'll smash them into pulp!
T8-TUM: I do hope there is no further need for violence on this trip.
Joodi: [ to his Bot, and the others in the ATV] Let us be quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.
BOOM: "We need to domiate the boards!"
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wildlife |
The next couple of hours are spent driving through thick jungle and dense grass plains. Eventually the ATV arrives at the destination co-ordinates supplied on the map plate. Everyone is in awe of what they see upon arrival.
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Jungle temple |
The party enter and begin exploring the temple while Amanda and Todd perform their environmental survey. Dame Joohdi takes the lead as the alien's connection to the Luminae guides them to something awaiting within!
Zorn: [ hefting his power axe ] Do we need to fight?
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the natives |
This was a lot of fun when we are not trying to head in to fight pirates. Being sneaky is beneficial. Steve playing Boom only speaking in NBA JAM catchphrases
ReplyDeleteIt was a very fun evening, with a lot of surprises from the players.