Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wine Cellars: The Seven Swords of Champions

The Seven Swords were forged with magic and issued to various Champions who have wielded them to great effect in the name of good. In the times since, the Swords have appeared sporadically but they never remain in the public eye for long before disappearing again until needed.

Each of the Swords has a specific gem in its hilt or pommel and is inscribed with runes that can only be seen with magical detection. A keen eye will discern that normal runes are also present depicting each blades name though the runes vary from blade to blade. Each of the Swords has its own distinct type of foe it was forged to combat. The gem of each Sword will emit a pulsating glow when near its target creature and the glow will pulse faster the closer the target gets, as well as becoming brighter the more of that kind of foe there is.

From the Scrolls in the library at Broomsage Abbey we can find the names and types of swords the champions used. The seven are described as follows.

"Spellslayer"-Wizard-Bane (amethyst gem) a long sword created to slay Magic-Users and Mage-like monsters.

“Draugr doom” or "Requiem Aeternum"-Wraith-Bane (moonstone gem) a long sword created to slay the Unliving.

“Gifar grimas”-Troll-Bane (emerald gem) the dwarf short sword was created to slay trolls and ogres.

“Lyg Dagnir”-Dragon-Bane (ruby gem) a two-handed sword created to slay dragons.

“Grobbi Drengi”-Swerting-Bane (topaz gem) a dwarf short sword created to slay goblins, orcs and other swerting.

“Radag Dagnir”-Beast-Bane (amber gem) a two-handed sword created to slay unnatural beasts and monsters.

"Saint's Blade" Hell-Bane (citrine gem) a long sword created to slay the minions of the underworld and infernal creatures.
Saint's Blade

Now and again rumor or tale surfaces promising the location of one or more of these blades, none have yet proven to be true.

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