Episode 04 |
Episode 04 of our monthly Far Trek rpg group was a blast! This one is a Far Trek version of the Star Trek Adventures modules of the same name. Two of our players were out for this session, Comms Officer F'riid is on a well earned shore leave and Dr. Salec is an NPC for this episode.
Get your favorite snack, jump into that comfy chair and turn on your TV because it's time!
~Star Trek Theme Music~
Intro Scene:
The USS ARGO sits stationary in space near another federation ship. The camera zooms in and we see the crew on the Bridge going about their duties as the Captain makes an entry into his log.
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ARGO Bridge |
We have been diverted from our standard patrol of Quadrant 44 to rendezvous with the USS Ptolemy and pick up a Civilian Medical Team led by a Doctor Stoorer. They are to be taken to the Dourap system which lies dangerously close to the Klingon border, where a Tellarite colony is dealing with a severe case of d'kar fever. We are to provide staging and technical support as needed by the Doctors since the colony itself is not under direct Federation control or jurisdiction.
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"Captain, the Ptolemy is ready to beam over the Medical team and start the cargo transfers."
Capt. Grim:
"Tell them we are ready. Triarius, Chief Maple will you join me in the transporter room to greet our guests. Mr. Holt you have the Conn."
Lt. JG "max" Holt:
"Aye Captain."
Scene 1: Transporter Room
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Guests arrive |
Capt. Grim:
"Welcome aboard Dr. Stoorer, I'm Captain Grim. This is my First Officer Triarius and my Chief of Security Mr. Maple. We are looking forward to working with you and helping the colonists of Dourap II."
Dr. Stoorer:
"Thank you Captain, this is Dr. Holloway and Dr. Dirkowitz. I would like to get the rest of my team and our cargo aboard as soon as possible. You understand there is little time to waste. I need to be shown to your Sick Bay immediately."
Capt. Grim:
"The Chief and I will show you to Sick bay, my First Officer will oversee the transfer of your cargo from the Ptolemy."
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Outside Transporter Room 1 |
Scene 1a: Sick Bay
[On the way to Sick bay it becomes quickly apparent that Dr. Stoorer has little time for social niceties, as she reiterates the strict timetable by which the team must reach Dourap II and begin the distribution of the cure.]
Capt. Grim:
"Is there any danger of us contracting this disease doctor, how did the breakout occur?"
Dr. Dirkowitz:
Holding up his data-pad so both the Chief and Captain can see, "d'kar fever is a contagious and dangerous disease on Tellar Prime. It’s carried by insects and can be transmitted from person to person like the flu. It appears to have arrived on the colony via a shipment of luxury goods that wasn’t properly quarantined. Early stages are marked by a high fever and muscle weakness. In later stages, it attacks the lungs, compromising their ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, thus suffocating the victim. It is easily treatable with the drug daronite. While primarily a threat to Tellarites, there are documented cases of the disease being transmitted to Humans and Deltans. Vulcans and Andorians appear to be immune to the disease due to the different base metals in their blood."
Chief Maple:
"This drug daronite, where will it come from?"
Dr. Holloway:
"The cargo being brought on board is the daronite, which we spent the last 72 hours synthesizing and prepping in hypos to be distributed quickly among the inhabitants. As of now the colony is still in the early phase of the outbreak and no fatalities have been reported." The young woman stops speaking as the party enters Sick Bay.
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Sick Bay |
Scene 1b: Cargo bay 3
[The Cargo bay is abuzz with activity. Chief Engineer Zav and a technician oversee the the bulk cargo transporter and are beaming aboard the last of the CMT cargo boxes. Triarius and an Argo medical technician go over the manifest with two nurses from the Civilian Medical Team.]
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Cargo bay 3 |
"All crates will be scanned and stowed according to SOP." The Andorian First Officer hands a data-pad back to the nurse.
CMT Nurse:
"Yes of course. This isn't the first time we've done this sort of thing. We have 200 cases each containing 90 hypos of daronite, plus our standard issue medical gear and pre-fab sterile huts." She continues to check off each case as they are opened inspected and resealed by herself and the Argo med-tech. "Nurse Hunsley and I, with the help of your team should be done stowing everything within the hour."
Nodding in acknowledgement to the female nurse, he turns to Zav. "When you have completed this task, send the manifest to my station Chief." The Andorian gives a final look over everything and turns to leave.
Chief Zav:
"Aye sir, we'll have this done in a jiff!" Turning to the technician the Tellarite grumbles, "He's going to take a bit o' gettin used too. I miss Tess, but things change."
[The crew goes about standard duties and gets ready to depart for the Dourap system. Chief Maple pays a visit to the remaining medical staff as they are stowing their gear in the quarters assigned to them. He makes a cursory measure of their overall attitude and finds them to be quite normal. Especially when one of the nurse staff seems to display an attraction to the Chief. Using this to his advantage the Chief chats the man up and comes away satisfied that the CMT is exactly what they appear to be.]
Scene 1c: Argo Bridge
[ On the bridge Triarius gets confirmation that the cargo is secure. Captain Grim has Maple assign guards to Cargo bay 3 to make sure no one goes in or out until arrival at Dourap II. Lt JG Holt reports that a course for their destination is laid in. The Argo bids farewell to the Ptolemy and heads off at warp 6 for the Dourap system.
Captain Grim turns the Conn over to Triarius and retires to his ready room where spends time updating his logs.
About an hour or so later the Captain requests that Dr. Stoorer meet him in his ready room. There is a bit of friction as the Doctor bristles at being pulled away from her work for the Captain's attempts at pleasantries again. Meanwhile on the bridge, Maple approaches Triarius.]
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Maple & Triarius |
"So Triarius, how are you finding the Argo?"
"I find the Argo an acceptable position for myself. What exactly do you want Chief?"
Chief Maple:
"Look, we are both newly assigned to the ship. I was just wondering how your were getting along. What do you think of the Captain?"
"I find the Captain to be competent, and I appreciate his direct approach. Chief, is this what humans refer to as 'small talk'?"
Chief Maple:
"Yes, I suppose that would be correct. I haven't worked directly with an Andorian before, this is new for me."
"This is my first posting on a multi-species ship. It is 'new' for me as well. Perhaps...!!"
[Suddenly the ship lurches violently and alert klaxons begin to sound!]
"Captain to the Bridge!"
Dr. Stoorer:
"What is happening, that wasn't normal was it?"
Captain Grim:
"No, that was not normal. I suggest you return to Sick Bay with Dr. Salec while I get to the Bridge!" As the Captain makes his way onto a turbo-lift he mutters. "This better not be ensign Ted again."*
[ The ship bucks and tilts wildly, and the crew is tossed about. Holt does her best to steady the ship but systems are shorting out and failing!]
Captain Grim:
Entering from the turbolift, "What is happening, Triarius status report!"
"The ship has been caught in a wormhole Captain!"
Captain Grim:
"Max drop us out of warp and level us out!"
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out of control! |
Lt JG 'max' Holt:
"Warp drive is not responding sir! I'm barely holding us steady, speed increasing warp 6.8!"
Chief Maple:
"Shields holding but power is dropping rapidly!"
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
"Warp 7.5! helm is not responding!!"
"At this rate we will exceed maximum safety threshold in 90 seconds!"
Captain Grim:
"Zav, we have no control up here. What can you do?"
[ The Argo careens wildly out of control in a warp space worm hole.]
"Captain, hold on! I'm going to attempt a manual warp drive shutdown."
Captain Grim:
"Zav, I don't care how you do it, just get us back to normal space!"
[ The lights go dark for a brief moment then space returns to normal as the warp drive goes offline. The crew quickly begin to assess their situation.]
Scene 2: Briefing Room deck 4
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picking up the pieces |
"Propulsion and guidance systems are offline. Subspace communications are out, as well as weapons. Our shields are functioning, though only at 45% capacity. Also 80% of the ship is without lights and internal systems due to an overload in the main power grid. Lastly, Life support and sensors appear to have come through unscathed. There's very little physical damage to the ship itself."
Dr. Salec:
From the Tri-vid monitor - "Injuries are numerous, consisting of lacerations and multiple reports of broken bones and concussions. Thankfully, I have no casualties to report. With the aid of Dr. Stoorer and her staff I can compensate for the lack power to our systems here."
Captain Grim:
"So far this isn't too bad. Things could have been a lot worse."
"Captain, Lt JG Holt and I have calculated our present position and course. After breaking free of the wormhole we have been travelling at warp 0.9 with no way to reduce speed or change our trajectory."
Captain Grim:
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
"While we were bouncing around in that wormhole, we were knocked 90 degrees and more than a few light years off course. Our current trajectory takes us directly into Klingon space. The Argo will drift across the border in approximately three hours."
Capt. Grim:
"It just got worse...."
[ At this point the crew had decide which repairs to the ship were most important and in what order they would be worked on. Everything couldn't be repaired before reaching the Klingon border so they opted to get propulsion, power systems, weapons and shields working as priority.]
Captain, there is one more thing. A wormhole incident like the one we just encountered can only occur when a warp core goes out of balance.
Chief Engineer Zav:
"My warp core was in perfect balance, what are you trying to say!"
Chief Maple:
"Triarius is saying, this was sabotage." The chief activates the intercomm, "Security, I want Franklin & Benjamin posted at Sick bay right away, be sure the CMT members do not leave."
"Exactly, but to what end I cannot yet say."
Captain Grim:
"Salec, I need you to get the crew back to work as fast as you can. Zav, get working on the warp core. Triarius, I want you to oversee full power restoration, I want to know what happened to my ship. Maple, Holt you two are with me. We have some questions to ask of our guests."
Scene 2a.
[In the turbo lift on the way to deck 7 and Sick bay.]
Chief Maple:
"Everything points to one or more members of Stoorers team being our culprit. Triarius is right though, what is the motive to sabotage the Argo?"
Capt. Grim:
"The mission to Dourap II perhaps. We could be dealing with a Klingon plant here. Keep us at Yellow Alert."
Lt JG Holt:
"Captain, what about the cargo. We should check on it."
[Just outside the turbolift on deck 7.]
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Maple checks on the Cargo |
"Ka'luth, I need a visual status on the cargo."
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Cargo bay 3 |
"Chief, it looks like the cargo broke loose. I would say at least half has been destroyed. We have broken hypos all over the place."
Lt. Japard:
"Hey this vent cover has been broken open from the inside!"
Chief Maple:
" Japard, I want you to enter that vent and find out where the saboteur got in from, and if they are still in there. Get the rest of the team to help you."
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Player rolls high! |
[Meanwhile on deck 6 near engineering. Triarius oversees the first stage of repairs and also keeps an eye out for signs of sabotage. He eventually makes a discovery!]
"Yes, see how these conduits have been cross-connected. someone did this intentionally."
Engineering Tech:
"But sir, it was total luck this only resulted in the damage we sustained. Whoever did this had no idea what they were actually messing with here. Why they could have blown the whole ship!"
"So we can conclude our intruder is no expert in starship technology. He or She is working with rudimentry knowledge and will therefore make a very obvious choice as their next target."
Scene 2c.
Sick Bay deck 7
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Sick bay |
"Captain, long range scanners have picked up a Klingon D-7 waiting at the border point where we will drift across."
Captain Grim:
"Right, notify me of any changes in their activity." turning to Maple & Holt. "Max, I want you on the bridge. As soon as impulse power is restored adjust our course and keep us away from the Klingons as best you can. Maple, find Hunsley before he causes any further damage. I need to show Dr. Stoorer what has happened to her cargo."
Chief Maple:
Activates the intercom, "Security, I want two three man parties searching the ship for a lone member of the CMT. He may be armed, use stun if necessary."
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Repairs |
[ Many things are happening all across the ship at this moment. Repairs are being made, security teams begin to scour the ship. The main cast are going to do specific thing. All this is being played out cinematically.
Lt. Japard finishes his search of the vents and determines the saboteur entered them just after messing with the conduits on deck 6.]
Scene 2d.
Cargo Bay 3 deck 8
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severe loss |
"I can't believe Hunsley would do this, it makes no sense. He is an exemplary nurse and has shown nothing but compassion for others since he joined the team."
Capt. Grim:
"Just how recently did he join your team Doctor?"
Dr. Stoorer:
" Kyle has been with us just a little over a month. The damage done here is terrible, many lives could be lost as a result even if we make it Dourap II before the outbreak worsens! I need to confer with Dr. Salec about synthesizing more daronite."
Capt. Grim:
"If your man causes any more damage to my ship, we might not be able to defend ourselves from the Klingons, much less synthesize more cure."
Dr. Stoorer:
"Klingons, sabotage! Captain what is going on here?"
Capt. Grim:
"That is precisely what I intend to discover Doctor!"
Scene 3: Hide & Seek
[ At this point the priority repairs have been completed, and the Argo regains control of her weapon systems and Impulse engines. The power systems overload has also been repaired and the ship begins to come back to life with shields now operating at maximum. Captain Grim returns to the Bridge.]
Capt. Grim:
"Max, status report."
Lt JG 'max' Holt:
"I have adjusted our course for Dourap II, but without warp capability we cannot make our ETA for the medical emergency. Also the D-7 has been following us, but have so far stayed on their side of the border."
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like a shark |
"No doubt they smell blood in the water. Has there been any sign of communications from the Klingon?"
NPC Comms:
"Sir our comms are still down, so I couldn't say. But they have been using long range scanners on us."
Capt. Grim:
"Now it's a waiting game."
Scene 3a.
Security Sweep/continuing repairs
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Security sweeps the ship |
[ Again, we enter a cinematic mode as the crew go about their business and the D-7 follows the Argo. The security teams report the searches are coming up clean which means the target is possibly being forced to hide on decks 6 or 7, as they have been working at checking the ship from above and below simultaneously.
Triarius has surmised that if the saboteur is a Klingon, he will need a tricorder to scan for his life-sign differences. Procuring one, the First Officer heads for Main Engineering. Maple also heads for engineering assuming this is where the intruder will make a final stand.
The warp core repair is finally able to begin in earnest at this point but will still take an hour to replace the damaged plasma injector, and another hour to restart.]
Scene 3b.
[ Triarius has been scanning the repair teams looking for the intruder. This task has now left him with only the crew in main engineering to cover. He is in the midst of doing this when Chief Maple arrives.]
Chief Maple: "Anything?"
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Hunsley makes a move |
"So far nothing. All of our men are who they should be. But interference from the damage has been hampering my ability to conduct broad scans. I believe we need to rely on our physical senses and instincts to find him at this point."
Chief Maple:
"Agreed, there are too many access points for someone to get in here to be covered alone. You take the right side and I will take the left."
[ The Officers begin an intensive search of the area while leaving Chief Zav and his crew to their work. It is the superior hearing of the Andorian that alerts him to danger!]
"Maple, above you!" raising his phaser and firing!
Kyle Hunsley:
Just dodging the First Officers shot, he drops down from the upper engineering deck brandishing a type I phaser and aims at Maple! "I don't want to hurt anyone, just stop doing your repairs!" The young nurse fires at the Security Chief.
Chief Engineer Zav:
"Watch that phaser fire!!" as he and the repair team duck for cover.
Chief Maple:
"Thanks Triarius!" executing a perfect tumble roll, he is missed by the blast. The Chief takes aim with his own phaser and fires back!
Kyle Hunsley:
"I mean it, just back off...ahhh!!!" struck by the blue beam, the nurse seems to shrug off the stun effect but is clearly staggered. "This doesn't.. have to.. get worse, back off!"
"Perhaps heavy stun." adjusting the setting on his phaser, another shot catches the man full on and he drops.
Scene 3c.
The Brig
[ The Captain and his Officers question Hunsley once he regains consciousness. A tricorder scan revealed Hunsley to be jacked up on stims which explains his resistance to stunning. They uncover the fact that Hunsley has been put up to the sabotage of this mission at the behest of the Orion Syndicate. The young man owes them a large gambling debt from his many trips to Rigel IV.]
"I was just supposed to make sure we didn't arrive on time and destroy the bulk of the daronite. I was given some very basic instructions on power systems, but I'm afraid I was never good with technical stuff. No one was supposed to get hurt."
"What of the hundreds of victims on Dourap II, will not your actions result in possible deaths there?"
Capt Grim:
"Kyle, you've endangered the lives of those colonists. Adults and children could die now because we may not be there in time!"
"No, they won't. You see the Orions are going to be there when we don't arrive and supply the colony with daronite in exchange for exclusive trading rights. It has something to do with their proximity to the Klingon border. Or at least that's what I overheard."
Chief Maple:
"Allowing the Orions much easier access for smuggling, and less likely for us to hinder those actions since the Tellarite colony is outside of Federation control."
"Captain, I was supposed to signal with a device I was given once the job was done. It was damaged when I sabotaged the ship initially. I don't know what the result of that may be..."
"Captain, the D-7 is crossing the border and heading to intercept us!"
Capt. Grim:
"We'll be right there," looking to his Officers. " Let's get to the bridge!"
Scene 4: Shall we Dance?
[ On the bridge the crew take their stations as the D-7 closes in.] ~ dramatic music~
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D-7 approaches |
"Captain, they are increasing speed and gaining on us."
Chief Maple:
"Even with our shields at full capacity they outgun us! We couldn't take more than a couple of direct hits before they tore us apart."
"They are scanning us. I would guess to assess our level capability after the sabotage. Is it possible this is who Hunsley was supposed to signal?"
Capt. Grim:
"We know there is an Orion/Klingon connection so the possibility is high." Capt. Grim looks to the Communications staion, "Are we up yet?"
Comms NPC:
"Yes sir, we have full communications restored."
Capt. Grim:
"Open a channel." Swiveling about in his chair to face the viewscreen. "Klingon vessel, this is Captain Grim of the USS Argo, we suffered damage from a warp malfunction and nearly crossed into your space due to circumstances beyond our control. The issue has been rectified and we are no danger of violating your space. Please respond."
Comms NPC:
"Nothing Captain, they heard us but are making no response."
"They are charging disruptors and attempting to get a lock on us!"
Capt Grim:
"Red Alert!" Grim taps the intercom button for Engineering, "Zav, I need warp power now. I can't outrun this Klingon without it!"
Chief Zav:
"We've just completed the plasma injector installation. But I need sixty minutes to re-balance the core and bring it online!"
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
Maxine turns to the Cade with a wide grin on her face, "Captain, permission to Hug the Donkey."
Capt. Grim:
Cade nods, "Permission granted!"
[ At this point we switched to Ship to Ship combat mode. Our Helmswoman was able to roll high enough against the enemy ship that even with weapons locked they could not score a hit! For two rounds the Argo was able to avoid the heavy disruptors of the D-7.
As round three began the Argo had gained initiative and Capt. Grim gave Helm the command to execute an Unorthodox Maneuver called the "Clingy Koala". The high maneuverability of the Argo allows the crew to get into a position directly behind and just below the rear of the D-7. So close in fact that the Klingons momentarily lose track of just where the Argo has gone!]
Ship to Ship Round 3
Lt JG 'max' Holt:"Let's see what they think of this!"
Chief Maple:
"We have weapons lock for phasers and photon torpedos sir!"
Capt. Grim:
Looking into his viewer. "We have penetrated their shields, phasers have damaged their warp nacell and photons have disabled a disruptor cannon. Level 3 damage to both areas."
Ship to Ship Round 4
[ The D-7 attempts get in position to fire on the Argo, 'Max' rolls and beats the Klingon Helmsman, keeping the Argo in "Clingy Koala" position. Even though the Klingons now know where they are, they cannot shake the crew of the Argo!]
Chief Maple:
"Weapons are still locked Captain!"
Capt Grim:
"Fire! Nobody messes with the Argo, especially Klingons!"
"They have sustained Level 2 damage to their communication array, and our photons have inflicted level 3 damage to the main life support systems."
Ship to Ship Round 5
[Finally the Klingons pull away from the Argo putting her at short range, but still behind them.]
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
"I've lost Clingy Koala sir, but they still can't fire on us!"
Capt Grim:
"Chief, assemble a boarding party. I want to know what these Klingons were up too!"
Chief Maple:
"Aye sir, weapons are locked and ready." Maple taps the intercom at his station, "Lt. Ka'luth prep the Maple Leafs for boarding actions, meet me in transporter room 2!" The Security Chief leaves his station leaping to the turbo-lift while bellowing, "Maple Leafs Assemble!"
Capt. Grim:
"All weapons, Fire!"
"Another hit on their life support system, it is completely obliterated. The photons have crippled the impulse engines and their shields are failing!"
Capt. Grim:
"Comms tell the Klingons to prepare for boarding and we will aid any injured they may have."
Ship to Ship Round 6
[The D-7 gets initiative and is just able to use the last burst of maneuvering thrusters to point the ship straight down in front of the Argo and come to a full stop. In essence making themselves a wall that will be hard to avoid!]
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
"Hang on!" the helmswoman is just able to avoid ramming directly into the disabled craft.
Capt. Grim:
'Fire, all weapons!"
"Direct hits on communications again, and the photons have taken out the shield generators. Transport can commence."
Capt. Grim:
"Alright Maple you are clear the shields are down! Max, keep us out of their firing arcs just in case."
"Captain scans show the D-7's warp core is going into overload, we need to stop Maple!"
Capt. Grim:
"Chief belay the order to board, the warp core is going critical. Try to beam aboard as many survivors as you can instead!"
Ship to Ship Round 7
[The Argo attempts to put as much space between themselves and the Klingon ship as they can before the warp core explodes!]
Capt. Grim:
"Get us as far away as you can Max!"
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
"I'm on it sir!"
[Meanwhile in Transporter room 2]
Chief Maple:
"There's a lot of interference from the damage they've sustained, having trouble getting a lock. Ha, got one! Energizing now, set weapons to heavy stun men. These are Klingons we're dealing with!"
[ A single Klingon is brought aboard and even when faced with overwhelming odds the warrior lashes out with his disruptor!]
Klingon Warrior:
"Federation dogs!" a full blast hits Lt. Ka'luth, the Tellarite glows red and in a flash is gone!
Chief Maple:
"Lieutenant!" the Chief draws his own phaser, "Fire, take him down!"
[The lone Klingon drops under a hail of phaser fire! He is then quickly whisked away to the brig.]
Ship to Ship Round 8
Capt. Grim:
"How are we looking?"
Lt. JG 'max' Holt:
"We are at full impulse but I don't think we are far enough to not take a bit of a hit from this!"
"Our shields are at full capacity, we have a 75.348% chance to suffer minor damage at this range. There it goes!"
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The D-7 explodes |
Final Scene:
[The Argo is in orbit over Dourap II, on the planet below we see Dr. Salec and the medical staff helping Dr. Stoorer and the remaining members of the CMT aiding the colony. The scene then shifts to the Captain in his quarters staring intently into his desk view screen.]
Capt Grim:
"Thank you Commodore, I will see you when we drop off Hunsley." A chime sounds, and Cade looks up at his door. "Enter."
[He removes a disc and places it in his files as an unseen person enters his quarters. We are clearly able to see the disc is labeled "Lt. Commander Leonard Maple."]
Capt. Grim:
"I have a favor to ask, off the record."
The Captain and the Chief were going to interrogate the lone Klingon captive, however he disintegrated himself just as the Captain entered the brig. He looked directly at Cade and cried "Tuq B'ol 'Oth!". It was determined that had it not been for the security force field, the device used would have disintegrated everyone within 10ft of the captive. The brig itself suffered extensive damage.
Captain Grim later talked with Commodore Stone in an effort to see that Kyle Hunsley received a lesser charge in exchange for his help and information on the Orion plot at Dourap II and the possible collusion with Klingon forces.
Triarius was able to determine that the D-7 they encountered was not a part of the standard Klingon Star Navy. The ship bore no insignia, and was running on outdated systems and using A.I systems to make up for a smaller crew complement. Further analysis reveals this D-7 to possibly have been an early prototype of the class.
The Argo had a funeral service for Lt. Ka'luth the Tellarite security Officer slain in the line of duty. He is survived by his wife and six children.
Just brilliant stuff! Sincerely the current Trek writers should be reading your episodes!! Keep on trekking!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for posting, I am enjoying reading these.
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming here to read about our adventures. I'm glad you enjoy them, and hope they inspire your own fun games.
DeleteVery enjoyable. This was very much like reading original Star Trek. I understood it perfectly. I played FASA's Star Trek RPG a long time ago. This Far Trek sounds interesting. Is it hard to find or very expensive?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed it, and no Far Trek is not expensive at all! It's FREE! got fartrekrpg.blogspot.com and in the upper right hand coner look for the downloads.
ReplyDeleteWe have a fantastic Far Trek group on G+ as well, check it out.
Grear write-up - and love your turbolift!