Friday, December 20, 2013

Tarek and the Gods

  Tarek had never really placed much faith in the Gods, he would invoke Corrno now and again, after all he was mortal and tricked the Gods to become like them. If ever there was a scam to look up too, that was it. However in his time with the Tyrrian and the others he had seen that Sally and Beavis had both been successful in channeling the powers of those beings.
  The demise of Tyrrian as well as his other friends; Beavis, Garrote and the newly met Randi and Erwyn; at the hand of one of their own was almost prophetic. Tarek never liked all that wierd magic Alexander kept clinging to and now the blood on the Wizard's hands was all the proof he needed.
  If not for the strange dwarven Journal of Woe which had appeared in the hands of Erwyn's brother only moments after the slaughter, Tarek would never have known what happened to the small party that disappeared during breakfast a week ago.
  Taking a deep breath the thief entered the Great Temple to the Gods in Modron. A statue of Sashu dominated the center of the chamber. The four corners of the temple were devoted to the following dieties in turn; Umannah, Mesha, Trameron and Modron. The walls of the inner temple were lined with small alcoves where shrines to other various dieties were ensconced. Standing before the blind God of Justice and Beggars Tarek felt a bit foolish, but no one else was around so he spoke aloud.
  "Sashu, I come before you to ask nay, to beg that you find it in your power to return the bodies of my comrades. They were led unwittingly to a foul betrayal by one of our own who we... well everyone but me, really trusted. They are beyond my ability to retrieve them, as they were struck down outside our world in a place known as the Tomb of the Colossus. Sashu, you were worshipped more by my friend and brother Tyrrian than me. I have never really been given to calling upon the gods; more to cursing them I suppose, especially Corrno. I wouldn't ask if I thought I could accomplish this myself, but I know I cannot."
  Sighing heavily Tarek's gaze wanders about the temple, " I need your aid Sashu, bring my brother and the others back here so I can at the least put them to rest." Walking to one of the alcoves dedicated to Losborst, Tarek points at the marble goblet. "Losborst, your power has aided us in the past, and Beavis was a boon follower of yours. I have never asked much of the Gods before, but I ask now!"
  "Sashu, Losborst, Mesha, Corrno, Mabont, hear me now and grant me this favor!" Tareks cry echoes in the temple hall. The touch of a hand on his shoulder causes him to turn quickly facing an unheard visitor.
  A blind beggar had placed his hand on Tarek's shoulder to steady himself. "You have called and I've come. "Tarek looked into the filmy eyes of the man and felt himself slip away........

   A pattern like unto a chessboard made up the floor upon which Tarek now found himself standing. Squares of alternating black and white marble seemed to stretch off a hundred feet all around him. The sky was hazy and grey like a thick fog. As the thief peered into the swirling mists five figures approached from the gloom, as they neared he realized each was over a hundred feet tall and he recognized them from their effigies in the temple.
  Sashu, Losborst, Mesha, Corrno and Mabont surrounded Tarek. His breath sucked out of him at the sight of them. Sashu was the first to speak, his voice echoing in Tareks brain.
  "I heed you Tarek of Eros, and find you not so much worthy as I do your brother/friend. However Corrno and Mabont have sided with you and bid me hither. Losborst as well as Mesha are known to the surviving Heroes of Eros and have investment in your cause."
  Kneeling so as to be closer to Tarek, the Patron God of Thieves winks and speaks aloud, "You owe Mabont and myself for this. "
  A loud belch draws Tareks attention to Losborst as the God settles to the ground in a cross legged position. "Sezrekan pushes his luck too far! The Balance Blade is no toy for him or his lackeys to wield wily-nily. I will aid Sashu in your request and in bringing home those who were lost to you. I will enact my own price from them, as Sashu and I would see you given the chance for justice."
  "I stand neither for or against what transpires here," Mesha says as her hair fades from autumn red to raven black, " my faithful has walked with you since the begining of your journey, and she will continue with you as the whims of change see fit. You have entered autumn before the long winter Tarek, there is much more change to come for you and your friends."

  Sashu speaking aloud now says, "Mabont has shown us all the events that transpired, we all agree to use our power to not only return your friends to the Prime World but also to restore life to those who wish to return from the beyond. In so doing each of them will have a price to be paid, as well as this quest we bestow upon you and those who return."
  Each of the gods was then enveloped in a shimmering aura and disappeared and the mists cleared affording Tarek a view that twisted his brain.

 The God Ark hovering above him made the mortal realize how insignificant he could be to the Gods and as the pinpoint of light grew to blinding proportions Tarek dropped to the floor hands covering his head. He felt the swirling sensation begin to overtake him as it had in the Temple and Tarek faded from consciousness once more.

[GM] So, Tarek has called upon the Gods. He invoked the names multiple times and was answered. For his efforts the Characters that were killed by Alexander have been given the Choice to return to life upon the mortal world if they so chose. The choice is for the Owner of those characters to make.

1) If you choose LIFE: the character awakes in the Temple of the Gods in Modron. You owe a Debt to your Primary chosen God to called in at a later time. Each character has also gained a 1 point increase in their Luck ability from Corrno, God of Thieves. You must also go on a quest that has been determined by the Five Gods in the never-ending battle of Law Vs. Chaos.

2) If you choose Death: the character will go to the afterlife and be quite happy. This PC could be contacted again by Speak with Dead spells or other supernatural means. He may also choose to become a ghost and haunt the place where he died.

The characters that are eligible for these choices are: Tyrrian, Beavis, Garrotte, Randi, & Erwyn. You can post your characters answer in the comments or notify me directly.

** Tyrrian has chosen LIFE! He has been tasked with a debt to Sashu, increased his Luck by 1 point and will be learning just what this Quest of the 5 Gods will be!

** Brother Beavis has chosen LIFE! He owes a favor to Losborst, increased his Luck by 1 point and will be learning just what the Quest of the 5 Gods will be!

** Garrote Denslinger has chosen LIFE! He owes a favor to Mesha, increased his Luck by 1 point and will be learning just what the Quest of the 5 Gods will be!

** Erwyn Rockclimber has chosen LIFE! He owes a favor to Losborst, increased his Luck by 1 point and will be learning just what the Quest of the 5 Gods will be!

1 comment:

  1. Tarek and I gladly accept our charge to create an order dedicated to your service and to that of bringing Justice and Light to the land to stop the spread of Chaos and Darkness.

    We will create the Scarlet Tigers and they will stem the tide of Chaos and restore Law and Balabce to the world!!!

    Tarek, what's this about a shop and a smithy????
