Wednesday, June 28, 2023

White Star: Q44's Most Wanted

 The MOST WANTED criminals of Quadrant 44. Beware of these individuals, they are considered dangerous and should not be approached. REPORT any sightings or interactions immediately to your nearest Galactic Consortium Police Precinct. Thank you for your cooperation.

Do NOT attempt to apprehend these fugitives on your own. 

GC POLICE - public comms # - 0911-Sector Loc-0911 

For more local sector news use FEED-01001110-Red

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

White Star: Star Rogues episode 4

 Episode 4 - The Pilgrimage


Josh - Dame Joodi Dench, Alien Mystic & Diplomatic Bot: CH-T8UM

Deborah - Malbar Distain, Pilot

Selina - Avangaline, Crewman Technician


Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Argon Station - Vector 14/33

Space Fleet Hoagies
Dame Joodi: A Basic on white please.

The human cook let out a long sigh....
Cook: Joodi, basic is served on ships. We make fresh hoagies here. I know you know this...

Dame Joodi: Yes, I would like a fresh basic on white, thank you.

A couple of patrons muttered under their breath.
Patron: Just get him a basic on white, so the rest of us can order! 

Cook: Al! Get me a Basic on white up here fast.

The patrons moved along quickly after the alien mystic moved off to a booth with his food. He took note of the pair of female spacers that stepped up next in line. 

Avangaline: A basic melt please!

Malbar: Lords of light! I came here so we could get a real meal, why would you order that?

Avangaline: I used all the cheese on the ship halfway here, and it's so good!

Cook: Star gods save me, it's going to be one of those days......

Dame Joodi
The eatery was quite crowded as it was mid-break for the dock workers. The pair of spacers found there was nowhere to sit and dine. The young spacer technician quickly spotted the alien with a penchant for basic as well sitting in a booth alone.

Avangaline: Hi, I couldn't help but notice that we have similar taste in basic! Could we sit and eat with you? Oh, and are you a follower of Illuma? I noticed your symbols on your robe, are those hand sewn?

Malbar: Kid, take a breath and let him answer.

Dame Joodi: [ smiling at the pair ] We do, yes you may, I am, and they were sewn by my own hand. Please, do join me.

[ After introductions are made the three talked for some time about various things but mostly the tenets of Illuma were at the forefront of the conversation. It was soon discovered that the women had come to the Kelron sector chasing a rumor of an ancient temple located somewhere in the Gizon system. The Mystic had also been seeking similar information to aid him in his pilgrimage amongst the stars. The three decided to set out together and see what they could discover. ]

Malbar Distain

We need to find a cargo to cover our expenses. 

Dame Joodi: I have some credits, should I not pay you for the journey?

Avangaline: No way Joodi, you're part of our crew now. Besides there's plenty of trade here on Argon. We'll find something.

Dame Joodi: Thank you young one. I also have a Diplomatic-bot, may he join us?

Avangaline: Of course! What's his name?

Dame Joodi: His model and serial number are CH-4N / T8TUM, so I decided to name him Chan'hing T'atum. It means loyal servant in my language.

Malbar: Cute.

Avangaline: Aww, I can't wait to meet him.

Dame Joodi: I shall retrieve him and my belongings from the hostel where I have been staying, where shall I meet you?

Malbar: We're on Docking ring 4, bay 3. The ship is the Stygian Phoenix.

Avangaline: STY-gee-AN Phoenix, Malbar!

Malbar: [ rolling eyes ] um, yeah. What she said.... 


[ Later on Docking Ring Four, Malbar is working out a cargo deal with a broker for a delivery to the Gizon system.]

Sidd the Broker
Sidd the Broker: It's a small shipment and most ships don't want to lose the space for bigger more profitable stuff. If you take this it would really help me out, it's already weeks overdue!

Malbar: [looking at the manifest tablet] One 45kg secured bag of physical mail, and six 23kg crates of mechanical replacement parts. Not even a half ton, I can see why you've had trouble.

Sidd: Look, if you can take this it's a thousand Creds free and clear on your end. I've got to get this stuff to the station on Gildor One before cycle's end. Can you do it?

Malbar: Delivery only, nothing coming back?

Sidd: Nothing, you make the drop and you're free after that.

Malbar: You've just hired the Stygia... [ suddenly aware of the young technician behind her ] STY-gee-AN Phoenix. Avangaline, get this stuff on board!

Avangaline: [ big smile on her face ] Aye, aye Big Sis!

Malbar: Stop calling me that.

[ The alien mystic was still impressed by sheer immensity of Argon station, and the thought that there wasl so much more to experience in the sector let alone the quadrant.

Dame Joodi: Now Channing, we have been invited to join the crew of this ship and together we are going to seek out an ancient temple of the way in a local star system. 

T8TUM: I see sir, shall I engage standard shipboard etiquette with spacer-slang sub routines?

Dame Joodi: No slang, we should be fine with the standard ..  .oh my!

[ A young man in a cape with a sword at his hip collides with the Joodi, as he just avoids being struck by a heavily laden hover-lift zooming past!]

Maximillian: [speaking in High Tellian] Pardon me Brother, that Lift driver was not following safety protocol!

Dame Joodi: I am fine, no harm done. Would you happen to know which way to bay 3?

Maximillian: [ pointing as he steps up a boarding ramp into a docked ship ] Follow the ring that way, it's the next one past the cargo pad.

[ The cargo stowed Avangaline makes a quick scan of the ships fuel and power levels. ]

Systems check

: Looking good, and our basic is at 100%. Glad I picked up some more cans of space-cheeze on the way back, I think Joodi will love it!

Dame Joodi: [ stepping up the cargo ramp ] Greetings Avangaline, we have arrived.

Avangaline: Hi Joodi! Oh this must be T8-TUM. 

T8TUM: Greetings madame, you may call me Channing. I am at your service.

Malbar: Well ain't he fancy. I see you found us Dame, any trouble on the way? [ turning to her crewmate ] Everything stowed and locked down?

Dame Joodi: No none at all, we met a dashing young man who helped point us in the right direction though.

Avangaline: Everything is ready to go down here big Sis!

Malbar: Alright, everyone get on board. And stop calling me that....I'll be up after I take an atmo-scan.

 Avangaline, Dame Joodi, and Channing take seats in the ships galley. ]

Malbar: [ as she stows a mini-atmospheric tester] Dame, how up to date is your bot on this sector? 


You may call me Channing madame.

Dame Joodi: Channing is versed on all sector history and current events, as well as having over 800 language sub-routines, and ....

Malbar: Yep, okay good. Have him give Avangaline a primer on this sector. Focus on locations, nav-charts, current events. Oh, add language and spelling too. Then I need you to join me on the bridge.

Dame Joodi: Channing, give our young friend here what Malbar asked for. [ the mystic gets up, turns toward the bridge]. Start the language and spelling with aardvark.

Malbar: How long have you been off world?

Dame Joodi: A little over a cycle I would estimate, I'm still getting used to not being planet side.

Malbar: No sunrises and sunsets, I know what you mean. What do you know about the Brinn II station?

Dame Joodi: Nothing more than what I've heard on the FEED, and some talk around the station.

Malbar: Uh-huh. The Dockers word is there was a prisoner riot that got so bad on Brinn Beta that Talamacus himself had the GC forces come in and put it down.

Dame Joodi: I understood that only Brinn Alpha used prisoner labor, and Brinn Beta was still run by the Mining Guild union. 

Malbar: Well, when the GC moves in things change. Anyway, you have any flight time?

Dame Joodi: Other than as a passenger, no. 

Malbar: Okay, then you'll be sitting with me up here. I want you to at least know some minor procedures in case anything happens, or you end up on your own. For now, just sit there and watch what I do. [ The mystic nods and straps in.] Seen any action?

Dame Joodi: If by "action" you mean altercations and or situations, yes. I recently took a job to earn the credits to acquire Channing. I was part of a "crew" of vastly different individuals. We were sent to retrieve a man and or some data from a run down asteroid mine. There was quite a bit of "action".

Malbar: So the crossbow isn't just for show, and I assume you're trained for physical interaction as well.

Dame Joodi: I am an excellent shot, and I can protect myself.

Malbar: [ smiles, and winks at Joodi ] Argon control this is Stygian Phoenix requesting clearance for departure. [ the mystic watches as the woman sets the sequencers to standard by 1]

Argon Control: Stygian Phoenix standby you are .... "crackle"

[ a deep rumbling boom echoes through the station, and alert klaxons begin to sound. Malbar and Joodi see the dock workers heading for the emergency hatches as they begin to close.]

Argon Control: "crackle" All ships in bays 4-1 through 4-5 prepare for security sweep and manifest checks. All departure request denied. Any uncleared departures will be pursued.

[ Malbar hesitated for a second, then pushed the thrusters to standard by 1.5. One other ship was breaking procedure as well.]

Malbar: At least we aren't alone! Hang on back there!

Avangaline: Woohoo! Big Sis, breaking the rules!!

Dame Joodi: Done this before have you?

Malbar: Once or twice. [smirking as she manipulates the controls. She notices a young man watching them from the bridge of the ship in bay 4-4 and waves to him!] Stellar Coyote, nice name for a ship.

The Stygian Phoenix and another ship slip out past the station bay doors as they close. A pair of security craft issue orders to stand down but are ignored as full thrusters are engaged. Malbar is a little surprised when the fighters do not pursue.

Location: 24 hours later

Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Brinn System - Vector 14/29

During the flight, Malbar goes over some of the things that have been upgraded on the Phoenix as well as basic emergency and safety protocols. The ship has a limited shield generator +1, advanced targeting system +1, and high yield thrusters +1.  

Stygian Phoenix

The Stygian Phoenix is a Foxhound class light transport. Crew complement is 2, but a single person can handle the ship. It also has a mechanical robot port (currently empty), FTL capability, maximum cargo capacity of 150units, a passenger limit of 6 and a pilot-linked light laser cannon for defense. ] 

Malbar: I want to check something. I'm setting a course for Brinn Beta, let's see how far we can get.

Avangaline: Why, I thought we were going to the Gizon system to look for the temple.

Malbar: We will, I just need to satisfy a hunch.

[ The ship is soon intercepted by a pair of Consortium fighters that warn them off and to reset destination to Brinn Alpha. ]

Dame Joodi: They seem intent on keeping anyone from getting too close.

Malbar: Too close to get proper atmospheric readings. If the GC really nuked Brinn Beta we could tell but not from this range. I guess this goes on our backlist for now.

Location: half an hour later

Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Brinn System / Brinn Alpha - Vector 14/29

Brinn I Control: Stygian Phoenix you are clear for docking on level 6, bay 10.

Avangaline: It's STY-gee-AN....

Malbar: [ waving the young girl off ] Phoenix acknowledging.

[ The crew make a short stop on the station, where they visit the Duke Of Sandwich diner and fish for some more local info. The big talk here is about all the diverted ore traffic since Brinn II is offline because of the reactor melt down, and the missing Space yacht Serena Dawn. There is also a short discussion about looking at the contents of the cargo they have, but soon decide to leave it alone and just deliver it. The crew pay some docking fees and get clearance for the Green travel lane to Gizon.]

Location: 120 hours later

Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Gizon System / Gildor I - Vector 16 / 21

T8TUM: The Mining Guild holds authority in the Gizon system, they have a permanent settlement on the moon Gildor 1 and the Mining Platform currently in orbit of the systems gas giant Gizon Prime.

Avangaline: Is the platform a space station, can we dock there?

T8TUM: The Platform is an inter-system ship that can "land" on large asteroids and effect intensive mining operations. These platforms are designed for prolonged independent operations, carrying fuel and supplies for a year's voyage. Though this one most likely gets continuous support from the base on Gildor 1.

Malbar: Hence the reason no one was in a rush to get this small shipment out here. Joodi, get me a landing beacon for that class D station and let's get rid of this cargo. Best to stay away from the Mining Guild as much as possible, no need to draw attention to ourselves.

Dame Joodi: [ bringing up the comms/nav readout] Beacon signal on line and locked, landing sequencers set to nav-console.

Avangaline: Hey, you're really getting the hang of that.

Dame Joodi: Your sister is an excellent teacher.

Malbar: [ shaking her head and mumbling under her breath ] ...stop saying that. Okay, Gildor I here we come.

Mining Platform orbiting Gizon Prime

Location: one hour later

Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Brinn System / Gildor I - Vector 14/29

Avangaline: Seems deserted, you think they took the day off?

The D class station was little more than a few out buildings and a pair of landing pads. One for a shuttlecraft and the second just large enough to accommodate a ship the size of the Stygian Phoenix. Eventually the station master was roused from his nap and gladly accepted the cargo delivery. ]

Jasper: Well you don't know how happy those miners will be to get this mail and those parts.

Malbar: When was your last delivery out here?

Jasper: Umm, bout two cycles ago I'd say. Might be a bit more, I lose track o' time out here. Would ya'll like to come in for some drinks and grub? I got a pot of fresh gindo stew warming on the hot-plate.

Malbar: I'm never one to turn down a fresh meal, thank you we'd love to join you.

Avangaline: What's gindo, is it like basic?

T8TUM: The Gindo is a native carnivorous life form of the moons of Gizon Prime, they often hunt in packs of two to four. They are scavengers by nature and prefer small weak prey, and have been known to make off with children or lone miners.

Avangaline: Demon Dogs! That's awful, and you say you have a pot of gindo inside!!!

Jasper: Sure do, I hunt them all round here to keep them from the Mining settlement. And they taste great with space-cheeze!

Avangaline: Space-cheeze you say? Well my Uncle Benn and I used to eat a lot of satur-hound back home, can't be any worse than that!

[ After the meal the crew hears how Jasper was recenetly saved from a gang of criminals by a lone bounty hunter. They also learn about the ruins on the second moon Gildor II. ]

Jasper: I noticed that handheld Atmo-tester you're using, I've got a full size one you could borrow if ya need it. It's an older model, but works real good, and it's tough as a stellar dragon!

Malbar: Thank you, that would be great. I want to get some solid readings of the air quality here and on the moon around the ruins.

Avangaline: She's got a thing for air samples!

[ Jasper supplied them with a set of coordinates for the ruins from an old survey report done years ago. They boarded the Stygian Phoenix and told him they would visit again soon. ]

Location: three hours later

Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Brinn System / Gildor II - Vector 14/29

Avangaline: These ruins are amazing, it's a shame we will never meet the people who built them.

Dame Joodi: Indeed, I would have been very interested in speaking with them about their beliefs and any insights to the Way.

Malbar: Look there on the horizon, that building looks different from everything we have seen so far.

Dame Joodi: That's it! I can feel it somehow...

The Temple

[ They land the ship and approach the majestic ruin on foot. Upon closer inspection the group discover obvious carvings and ancient symbols relating directly to the White Star and even Illuma herself. ]

Malbar: The air here is 80% above standard safety levels. We won't need breathers. Bring a weapon though, just in case.

T8TUM: I detect no life-forms within my range. We are quite alone here I assure you.

Avangaline: I thought this would be creepy, but I feel strangely at ease. It's still so beautiful even after all this time.  

Dame Joodi: A true testament to those who built it, as well as their devotion to the Way.

[ The group entered the temple and made a search of the upper level, finding nothing of note. Upon returning to the ground floor they find themselves confronted by a lone being. Initial attempts to communicate fail, and they instruct Channing to make contact. After ten minutes the robot discovers a language that works and is able to translate for the group. ]

He who waits
T8TUM: He calls himself "He Who Waits". He asks if you are here to take the test?

Avangaline: How long has he been here? How old do you think he is, and is he one of the original inhabitants of this moon?

T8TUM: He has been here since his birth. If my calculations are correct he would be approximately 150-180 years old. He is the last of his kind, and they were the inhabitants of the ruins we've seen.

Malbar: How many have come before us, and did they take the test?

T8TUM: Hundreds have come before, and not a one passed the test.

Dame Joodi: This is a step along the path of my journey of Illumination. I would like to take this test. Channing, tell "He who waits" I accept the offer.

Malbar & Avangaline: We'll join you as well, this feels like something we all should do.

[ The party are led below ground by the strange alien, and soon are told to descend into a dimly lit meditation chamber. The robot is not allowed as he is not a sentient being. The center of the chamber is dominated by a square pit seemingly dropping to unknown depths. A thin cool mist stirs along the floor as the three cross the chamber. ]

Dame Joodi: I sense a presence, nearby...but there is something else. A coldness...

Malbar: It's the pit, that cold is coming from there. I've felt this before, but not this strong...

Avangaline: Big sis, I don't like this. I.... I...  no, no! NO!!

[ The three are suddenly gripped by an icy paralysis, that not only freezes their bodies, but their minds as well! Each member of the group feels an overwhelming urge to give in to that which rises from the blackness of the pit!]

 Dame Joodi: Though I travel trough the void of night, I shall not fear, the White Star is my guide and through Illuma shall I know peace... [ the icy cold recedes from the Mystic and now stronger than before he again senses the presence nearby...]

Voice: Be the light for those in need...

Malbar: [ on her knees beside Dame Joodi, seeming to struggle with an unseen phantom ] I didn't leave you.... you died, you're, you ....can't

Dame Joodi: [ Now able to see through the veil of darkness, he spies a uniformed female corpse mentally and physically assaulting Malbar. Repeating the prayer, he reaches out and places a hand on the struggling womans shoulder.]  I shall not fear, the White Star is my guide and through Illuma shall I know peace! 

Malbar: [ the phantom woman screams and shatters like glass the shards melting and seeping back into the darkness of the pit! ]  Thank you Joodi, truly Illuma shines through you! 

[ A terrified scream alerts the pair to the plight of Avangaline, back against the wall of the room, The young girl cowers in fear waving off an invisible threat! ]

Malbar: What is she seeing?

Dame Joodi: She is beset by phantoms, a pair of them. One male and the other female, they have a ghostly white pallor and threaten her with weapon as well as word. I think I can help her see the light, though my strength is waning. The pit is a portal to the void, it wants to drain us of all hope.

Malbar: [ standing up, the woman looks the mystic in the eyes. ] I'm afraid we've kept a secret from you Joodi, We had to know we could trust you, and you've proven that to me now. [ Malbar steps a couple paces away from the mystic and raises her arms skyward. ] Surprise!

Dame Joodi: What are you doi.....


Malbar transformed!
[ Alien Mystic and Star Sailor unite combining their powers to free the young woman from the ensnarement of hopelessness! While something dark and sinister begins to rise from the pit! ]

Dame Joodi: [ removing a small egg shaped crystal from his robes, he chants and points it at the pit. A wave of light shimmers across the room and covers the opening!]  That should give us a few moments!

Malbar: [ hugging the young girl ]  Avangaline hear me! The light of the Star Sailors burns strong in you! Listen to your heart!!!

Avangaline: [ fighting back tears, as the threats of the void knight twins tear into her mind like hot daggers. A tiny voice calls out in the darkness!] Big sis?! What's going on... the temple... this is not real! You're not here! **STAR SAILOR TRANSFORMATION**!!! 

Avangaline transformed!

Dame Joodi: I'm afraid they've broken through my hold, and I don't think a crossbow bolt will phase them much! What are they?

Void Wraiths

[ The newly transformed women step forward to shield the mystic. ]

 Malbar: Void Wraiths! Servants of the Black Star covens, and standard weapons won't work. [ she looks at Avangaline and winks! ] 

Avangaline: But they have a real distaste for blasts from Starlight wands!!!

[ a running battle starts as the Sailors lay down fire and start a retreat up the steps to the underground tunnel that brought them to the chamber. As the wraiths return fire with their void pistols.]

Voice: You are close Dame, find me...

Dame Joodi: Did you hear that? It came from back this way....

Malbar: Joodi has picked up on something, I think I feel it now too...

Avangaline: [ at the top of the stairs ] Go after him Sis, I've got something for these jokers! 

[ At the base of the stairs a half dozen void wraiths begin to ascend the ancient stone steps.]

Avangaline: [ grasping her wand in both hands, she points it at the oncoming creatures. ]  Try this on for size! **RAGING SEA TSUNAMI**!!!!

[ A blast of Starlight powered water fills the stairwell and overwhelms the dark minions!

Dame Joodi: [ frantically looking about in a partially caved in hallway] It's here, somewhere...

Malbar: What are we looking for?

Dame Joodi: The presence I felt. It's here somewhere... we are very close! 

Malbar: It's a dead end, there's nothing here but rubble!

Voice: Find me not with your eyes! 

Dame Joodi: [ kneels and begins to chant] 

Avangaline: Ha, I cleaned their clocks good! But there's more on the way, what's Joodi doing?

Malbar: He's in contact with someone, or something....I think.

Dame Joodi: [ placing his palms on the wall and stands] Lords of Light!

[ There is a flash and a door shaped rectangle of stone vanishes, revealing a small hidden chamber. Three walls are lined with a shelf that has a few dozen funerary urns placed upon it, but directly opposite the doorway sits an item that draws a sense of awe from the three travelers. ]


Voice: Your first step upon the path has begun, now complete the test and continue your journey.

Dame Joodi: Did you hear that?

Malbar: Yep.

Avangaline: Illuma!!

[ The three take the small statuette and return to the meditation chamber, where they combine their powers and seal the void-pit for good! The icy gloom now gone, a hopeful energy fills the room.]

Avangaline: So, does this mean we passed the test?

Malbar: We better get back upstairs and check on Channing and He Who Waits.

[  Moments later, the three find Channing cradling the prone alien on the floor of the entry hall. ]

T8TUM: He collapsed a few minutes ago, I'm afraid his life signs are fading.

Malbar: [ drawing a med kit from her belt ] Here let me see if....

He Who Waits: [ puts out a hand to stay the woman, then he gestures to his staff lying on the ground at the feet of the mystic. Looking at Dame he speaks in galactic standard!] The test has been passed....the cord is cut, the way is shut, sight grows dim...

Avangaline: [ tears forming in her eyes] Oh no, is he passing on???

Dame Joodi: [ kneeling beside the alien and taking his hand.] What now brother?

He Who Waits: I am no longer....He Who waits, you.. are now... He who Seeks....

Malbar: Seems the title has been passed along.

T8TUM: He is gone.

 [ Once more the Mystic and the Star Sailors combined their powers and created a beautiful sarcophagus in which they laid the alien body to rest. ]


for now....

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

White Star: News from the FEED

Kelron Sector Feed

 Consortium authorities continue their investigation into those responsible for the ionization of Pop-star AND-R3A, updates on this as they become available.

Sector Search & Rescue ships, and a Consortium dreadnought have been dispatched to locate the overdue pleasure yacht Serena Dawn. The yacht failed to arrive at the Raymar Resort on Janaris II after its departure from Tellain. Consortium officials say that piracy is not likely, but that a hyper-jump mishap is the probable issue. All GC patrols have been doubled in Green Lanes, and all ships have been asked to update their safety links and have current verifications on life-pods.

Serena Dawn
With a crew of just under one hundred, and a passenger capacity of three hundred, this loss is devastating not only to the families whose loved ones were aboard but also to the reputation of Star Cruise Liners and their business. The Serena Dawn was the flagship of the fleet and its loss could spell disaster as the companies stocks plummet.

The Mining Guild, and other Noble families are said to be hiring independent Search & Rescue teams to look for the missing Yacht.

This all comes as sources claim that ore shipments and processing times are slowing down due to a reactor meltdown on the Brinn Beta station. All guild and commercial traffic is being diverted to Brinn Alpha until repairs can be made and safety protocols reinstated.