Saturday, August 29, 2015

White Star: Star Sailors Campaign Ep. 2 - Bug Hunt

The first session was so well received that my daughter begged me to keep going, so we played for about an hour longer and this is what we did:

After our Heroes escaped from the Albino twins and their Gloom fighters they set a course for the scoundrel filled space station known as "Cleopatra Station". A minor ship malfunction causes the crew of the Canary to make a mid-space jury rig on the Mark II Temperature Power Coupling. While doing this they are passed over by a Consortium Cruiser on patrol.

Yellow Shift - Quadros Sector - Cleopatra Station - Vector 13/24

Upon arrival, the crew is contacted by the station "Boss" Coltross and his henchman. He greets Gore and Malbar while taking note of the "new" crew member Avangaline. The group sets out for the Trade Hub to look for a replacement Mark II TPC, as well as pick up a few sundries.
Boss Coltross greets the Team
No one seems to have the part they are looking for, even though it is not uncommon. The party begins to suspect something is up!
Trade Hub
The party makes their way to the station bar called the "Dry Dock" and have a sit down with Coltross. He explains the "part" they need could turn up for half price if they do a little side-job for him here on the station.

The Dry Dock Lounge
It seems a bio-organism has gotten loose and is hiding in the "Tween Decks" area of the Station. Coltross will supply three Non-lethal weapons to help wrangle the creature and and return it to captivity. The party get a Heavy-Stunner, a capture-net Ejector, and a Tranquilizer Rail-rifle. "So what exactly are we hunting?" asks Gore. "Oh, just a Denebian Slime-devil." smirks Coltross.

Bodies of prior hunters...
Entering the "Tween Decks" area it's not long before our Heroes discover they aren't the first sent to capture the creature! Upon inspection of the deceased, Gore discovers a strange egg-like object and stows it in his pack.

The Devil's Lair!
In a maintenance chamber near many heat ducts the Slime-Devil faces our party! Avangaline calls upon the Power of the Stars and transforms as globs of acidic slime are sprayed in their direction. It is quickly discovered that the chitinous shell of the creature deflects the Tranq-rifles shots! Avangaline gives the beast a blast of Star Power much to its chagrin! The creature is finally taken down by a critical hit from Gore with the Heavy Stunner!!

The beast is subdued!
The creature is placed in a containment cage and the party is met by Coltross and his goons. Coltross catches sight of Avangaline before she transforms back to "normal" girl mode. He comments to Gore and Malbar that the new girl looks "very" special. Malbar expresses to her young protege that her Star Sailor Persona "must" be kept as secret as possible. Getting their payment the group sends the part to the ED-O4 so he can begin repairs, while they go secure the last of the supplies they still need to continue the search for the rest of the missing Star Amulets.

An Octopoid with a mission...
Waiting at the airlock when the party returns they meet an Octopoid who tells them that Coltross plans to sell the Slime-Devil to the Galactic Consortium as a bio-weapon. He had hoped to have his hunters capture it first so he could return it to it's quarantined home-world, but his men were killed. At this point Gore reveals the "egg" to the Alien. "This MUST be returned to the planet Denebia, as must the Devil itself. Can you help me?"

"By the Power of the Stars, I believe we can!" says Avangaline.

We had to stop there as it was very late, but there will be more White Star-Star Sailors adventures in Quadrant 44 to come! So keep your scanners trained on this frequency!

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