Friday, March 29, 2024

Wine Cellars: Isle of the Spider Bride Part II

 Isle of the Spider Bride part II                                                                                                                        12/16/2023

ruins of the Aranea

The Players:

Joe P.: Ch-Nuk Narris, Runner / Sleek the chameleon,  Apprentice
Josh: Sliish, Scholar/Mage
Steven: Rook the Cutpurse
Deborah: Fallyswaggle Pinkledunk, Faerie (halfling)
Selina: Damora Vut, Dwarf Axe-Maiden

Leaving the safety of the Aranea territory, the party hikes over the mountainous terrain into the next valley. Spirits are high and the hope they will find some treasures are the talk amongst the group.

Sliish: The chances of us dishcovering more ruins should increase as we venture deeper into the heart of the island!
Rook: As long gold fever doesn't overcome our common sense, remember our original goal was only to return Jade to her people. Anything we find now is a bonus.
Sliish: Yesh, of course. But these few crude gold coins we found already, and that shtone wall back at the native village hint at shecrets beyond mere physical wealth, there's a poshible hidden trove of knowledge here.... shomewhere, jusht waiting to be found.

The first day in the jungle valley brings a close call with a large retile-like creature with a huge bony-club like tail. Fallyswaggle attempted to communicate with it but failed, as the creature seemed to be under a strange influence.
Later that day the party come upon a ravaged grove of native fruit trees. It is determined the creature had eaten a bunch of these and suffered a period of intoxication from them. A half dozen are harvested and brought along.

The second day finds the group encounter a group of native snake-men and thier zombie thralls! The party is able to parley and are soon disarmed and find themselves being escorted towards the central plateau of the island. 

It is quickly surmised that the reptiles intend to turn the party into sacrifices to their diety "SHAMM-SHUKK" a Red Dragon that lives in the volcano at the top of the plateau. As the group prepares to fight for their lives a violent tremor shakes the island!! In the ensuing chaos Sleek is killed by falling into a volcanic vent that opened in the ground. The snake-men are slain and the party decide to head back to the coast and withdraw from the island for now. 

Trying to make good time and push on after dark, the party runs afoul of a mated pair of sabre-tooth tigers on the hunt!! Largo, one of the crewman is killed and Sliish is badly mauled before the creatures are slain.

The group spend two days with the Aranea before meeting Captain Laine. 

Sailing back to the mainland the party decide to mount a new expedition Yonn-Varg.

The end.....

Monday, December 18, 2023

Wine Cellars: Isle of the Spider Bride or A Honeymoon in the Tropics Part I

 Isle of the Spider Bride or A Honeymoon in the Tropics!! Part 1

This adventure took place on May 25th 2023, Wine Cellar time: 3/25/123

The Players:
Joe P.: Ch-Nuk Narris, Runner / Sleek the chameleon,  Apprentice
Josh: Sliish, Scholar/Mage
Steven: Rook the Cutpurse
Deborah: Fallyswaggle Pinkledunk, Faerie (halfling)
Selina: Damora Vut, Dwarf Axe-Maiden

 Shortly after the incident known as the "Night of Z", our group left the Dukedom of Marqest and headed to Reino do mar, by way of the Viking Voyages ship for hire. Upon arrival in the port city of El Zapallar they hired a seagoing vessel to transport them and their cargo to a very particular island.

After meeting three different Ship captains, the group decided to go with Robert Laine a Lawful Captain and his ship the Georgette (a fast schooner). The party held nothing back and showed the Captain what their cargo was, an Aranea princess they were escorting back to her home island.

Highlights of the sea voyage were Rook fishing, and the party having sightings of a lone hippocampus, a pod of whales, the Cordoba captained by Marcos Almelda was spotted following them for a day. On the tenth day Rook caught 8 red snapper and saw a Sea Serpent!! That night they all ate well. On the twelfth day they arrived at the Isle of Dread! Captain Laine took the group to a local village that he often trades with and Sliish was overjoyed to see the large stone wall constructed by the villagers ancestors!

Wall of the ancestors

Some information was gleaned from the village elders and a course was set for the far side of the island. Along the way they spied a towering cliff side nest of gargoyles! Sliish wanted to check it out because he is fluent in gargoyle, but no one wanted to brave climbing the treacherous heights. Soon a small beach was spotted and a longboat prepared. After some recruiting, the party went ashore with five volunteers from the ships crew. 

Another full day of travel into the thick jungle saw the group find the remains of an ancient civilization and the last of the Aranea!! With the return of their Princess the Aranea supplied even more information about a city of the ancients lying deeper in the islands heart at the top of a great plateau. Knowing they had about two weeks before having to rendezvous with the Georgette, a vote was taken and the group decided to seek out the city.

  Part 2 to follow. . . .

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pirate Borg invades the World of Eroc!

 Here are some highlights from recent games of Pirate Borg RPG!

Guardian of Dead Man's Cove

Epic sea battle!

Some Okumarts Pirates!