Episode 5: Manhunt
Player: Steven - Argenti Root, Bounty Hunter
Argenti Root |
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Argon Station - Vector 14/33
[ Argenti is speaking with Kellic Van about a new job, an escaped prisoner from GC authority. The target is wanted Alive has been on the run for almost 3 sectons and the reward has jumped up to 3,000CR!! ]
Argenti: Why so much for this guy, what did he do to get locked up to begin with?
Kellic: That's the rub kid. Officially, he was sentenced to Brinn Alpha for fraudulent medical practices on various stations and worlds. Then somehow he slips out of Brinn Alpha on a transport, his initial bounty was only 500CR. Then after a full secton his bounty jumps to 1500CR, but this guy has gone dark. Now, he gets bumped to the MOST WANTED list and comes in at three! There's something going on here, I'm telling you.
Argenti: Three would really help me trick out the nest, and get some more gear. Plus I'd have a little for medical and travel expenses. Who else is looking for this guy?
Kellic: Newton took the contract yesterday, and now you. If you're quick you could beat him to the target, use what Buloke taught you. Most of the other Hunters are out of Sector now on long term contracts and hunts, so I'd get moving. But Kid, I also heard "unofficially" this guy really escaped from the incident on Brinn Beta.
Argenti: Brinn Beta isn't a prison, that was some kind of reactor issue or some such wasn't it?
Kellic: That's what the FEED reports are, but you never know when the Consortium is involved. Business hasn't been the same since we've had to answer to GC command on Dormen Station. That's why the Mining Guilds have been at odds with them too, sticking their noses in where nobody wants them. I long for those SA days....
Argenti: SA days? How old are you Kellic...
Kellic: Huh, old enough kid. Here, [ tossing Argenti the data-stik for the target ] get to work.
BOUNTY: 002/012/037
P#33241 A. Zonn |
PRISONER DATA: Alistair Zonn -#33241 - Human / Age: 30 / Height: 5'11" / Weight: 155 / Last known location: Brinn system / Current location: unknown / Charges: Illegal operation of a medical practice, practicing medicine without a license, forgery of multiple medical certificates. Sentence: Four years hard labor - GC Prison facility TBD.
Argenti: Time to do some legwork!
[ The Bounty Hunter spent 2 cycles tracking down leads and rumors about his target. 60cr later and after a false lead about hiding out on Janaris II, a solid lead came up about Zonn hiding out in the low-sections of Andala station.]
Location: 3 cycles later
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Tellian System/ Moon Arcadia 234 - Vector 11/30
R3-K8: [ The mech-bot, prods Argenti awake, an alarm is chiming on the main console.]
R3-K8 "kate" |
Argenti: What's going on Kate? A distress beacon you say. Looks like we're at the edge of the system. Better check this out, don't need any GC demerits for ignoring calls for aid. Prime the gun though, just in case.
Tumble Tug class |
Tug Big Al: *crackle*.. ig Al, we are in need of assistance. Plea... respond. This is Tug Big Al, *crackle*...Argenti: Tug Big Al, this is Shesha's Nest. I have your beacon signal, what is the nature of your emergency?
Tug Big Al: Thank the White star! Shesha's Nest, our primary fuel tank has gone off line, we have only about four hours of life support left. Can you assist?
Argenti: Transmit your coordinates, and hang on. I'm not going to leave you hanging.
[ The Tumble Tug class salvage ship was in low orbit over the junk moon Arcadia 234. Argenti docked and spoke to the crew who worked for the VIMUR Salvage Company. They had been on a standard sweep of the moon when calamity struck. Opting not to jury rig the primary fuel tank, Argenti and the crew set up a tow line so the Bounty Hunter could haul them back to the safety of Andala Station.]
Location: 3 centars (hours) later
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Tellian System/Andala Station - Vector 11/30
[ Both the Shesha's Nest and the Big Al have docked at Andala Station. ]
Ethin: [ Captain of the Big Al ] Look, I want to thank you again for helping us out. We were getting a little worried before you showed up. The boys and I owe you our lives, if there's ever anything we can do let me know.
Argenti: You're welcome Ethin, and I'd like to believe I did what anyone would do in this situation.
Ethin: We both know better than that, but I'm glad... we're glad you did. Will you let me and the boys buy you a couple of rounds at least? Maybe we can help you get some info on your job.
Argenti: Thanks, but I'm already behind schedule and I still have to report to Andala Security. I'll see you later perhaps.
Station Sec-Admin |
[ Contrary to popular belief, you can't carry a blaster everywhere. Plus, as a Bounty Guild member you have to check in with local authorities if any are present in the area in which your target may be located. Failure to do so can come with some harsh penalties, the least of which is loss of guild standing. ]
Station Sec-Admin: Hunter Root, you are cleared for pursuit of target on Andala Station. Note, you have Non-lethal weapon clearance only. I see you also brought in a rescue as well. Andala thanks you for your help and your docking fees are waived for 6 cycles starting today. Keep us informed, and if you capture your target he can be delivered to us for the bounty.
Argenti: Thanks, have any other hunters checked in recently?
Station Sec-Admin: [ scanning his pad.] Only one other, Hunter Newton. Seeking the same quarry as yourself. Good Luck, and keep it civil hunter.
[ The first cycle on Andala turn up very little, and Argenti eventually returns to his ship to rest for a few hours before starting to scour the lower levels. The second day starts slow, but just before mid-day and 30cr lighter, Argenti scores a solid lead on a sighting of his target. ]
the flophouse |
Argenti: This is the place, Brown level flophouse across from the Blue-Noodle-Burger. Guy said he saw Zonn getting food here and going back across the lane. Shouldn't be hard to stake out the pla...
Voice in head: Surprised it took you this long. I thought Buloke trained you better.
Argenti: [ scanning the lane, for the rival hunter.] Get out of my head Newt, I hate when you do that.
Newton: [ using telepathy ] Oh come on Root! It's not like I looked around, well maybe a litt...
Argenti: I'll report your unregistered ass! [ spotting the other hunter, just down the lane. ]
Newton: Geeze Root, I can only use it like a glorified two-way radio. I'm no Scanner! Besides, it comes in handy sometimes. We all need our edge right. [ crosses the lane and joins Argenti. ] How do want to do this?
Argenti: No need for complications, I'll pick him up and you can go home.
Newton: Ah Root, you get so serious. Look, I'm bored already. How about we split this one, work together and then we can go check out those pleasure domes on the upper levels later!
Argenti: You can check out the domes later alone. 50/50 even split? I want to get this guy and get out, this one has a rill on it and I don't like that feeling.
Newton: Rill?! Those spacer tales will keep you up at night. 50/50 is good by me, I've already got him pinned in room seven over in the flophouse. I missed him leaving this morning, but he'll be back. You take watch. I'm going to get something to eat. Call me if you see him. [ the young hunter walked away down the lane. ]
[ Four centars passed and the lights changed to signify nite-cycle, the lane cleared a bit but there was still a good enough crowd to blend into if needed. Argenti's stomach growled, and he eyed the Blue-Noodle. ]
Argenti: Blue-Noodle-Burger? Don't know what that is, but I'm trying one. [ 5cr and fifteen minutes later with a silenced stomach, the hunter scans the lane. ]
[ A scruffy man fitting the description walking hurriedly and clutching a bundle under his arms. He turns and enters the flophouse, after a quick scan of the lane. ]
Argenti: [ comms ] Newt, I got him. He just entered the flop. looks like he'll be in for the nite.
Newton: [ comms ] I'm close, be there in two centons. There's a back door to the place I'll head there and come in that way. You got the front.
Motel Clerk |
Desk Clerk: Can I help.... oh! [ his eyes widen as Argenti flashes his SEC-clearance].
Argenti: I'm here for the guy in #7. Keep it dull, no Sec and there's a few creds in it for you.
Desk Clerk: [ nodding as he hits a button that raises a clear plexi-shield around his station.]
Newton: [comms] I'm coming in the back, where are you?
Argenti: [comms] At his door, I've got an idea. [ the Hunter hits the buzzer ] Um, hey in there! You got any spare wipe? My rooms bare and that blue noodle is hitting me hard!
Zonn: [ inside the room ] Go ask the desk!
Argenti: I did, he said the janitor-bot is charging. Help a fella out man, i'm dying here!
Zonn: Um... okay, hold on a micron.
Newton: [comms] I can't believe this is working!
Zonn: [door opening, wipe roll in hand.] okay, here buddy you ..... oh Frell!!!
Argenti: [ firing sonic stunner point blank! ] Got him! He's down.
[ The pair of hunters quickly enter the room and shut the door behind them. While Newton cuffs the target, Argenti searches the room.]
Newton: What are you doing, we got him. Let's turn him in and get the bounty. I'm feeling a need to get my alpha-waves primed and zone out!
Argenti: He had something with him when he came back, seemed important. [ scanning the room, then going into the toilet. ] Yep, he stashed something in the vent here.
Newton: [ Looking in the nightstand. ] He's got some spare clothes, and a medical bag out here. looks like he's been doing some under the table work to get some creds.
Argenti: [ pocketing a cred-stik, while showing the small bundle to Newton. ] Here it is. Ever seen anything like this?
Newton |
Newton: Looks like a Midivacc-pack, but I don't know those symbols. Don't open it!
Argenti: [ setting it down on a small table. ] I want to know what he's really wanted for, and what this is?
Newton: Look Root, I don't care! Keep that pack if you want but let's turn this guy in and go our separate ways. We're hunters not Investigators.
Argenti: Let me talk to this guy when he wakes up, there's something else going on here. I can feel it.
Newton: Yotz! You wanna detect, you do it on your own time. We made a deal to split this. We got him let's go! This kind of stuff is what gets you in trouble.
Argenti: I'll buy you out. Three big, right now and you walk. I'll take on whatever happens.
Newton: I don't get you Root, Buloke would have never...
Argenti: [ holding up the cred-stik, readout showing 3big.] Here, it's yours if we have a deal. And you didn't know Buloke like I did, so don't talk about him.
Newton: Alright, deal. [ catching the tossed stik.] If this is how splits go with you we may work together more often. By the way, he's awake.
Zonn: Please.... you've got to let me go....
Newton: [ removing the cuffs from Zonn.] I'm not in this anymore, you're his problem now. Catch you on the darkside Root.
Argenti: Okay Zonn, I want to know why the GC really wants you, and what is in that vacc-pack?
Zonn: [ Looking at the hunter and then the package. ] If I tell you, can you get me off this station?
[ An intense conversation takes place, and Zonn reveals he was using the prisoner file as a cover and the package is something very important to the Solar Alliance. He was sent to get it and smuggle it out of the red sector. However things went very bad on Brinn Beta and he barely made it out alive. The GC want him and the package and will kill to get both. He has a rendezvous set but needs transport there. ]
Argenti: Solar Alliance huh, you some kind of spy or something. I knew you weren't just some escaped fraudulent doctor like the file said. What were they doing on Brinn Beta?
Zonn: I'm a researcher by trade, but I've had to learn to do a lot of things since working with the SA. There's a lot at stake here okay, and as far as Brinn Beta. Well, whatever you think you know its all lies. That place was being used for things the GC doesn't want anyone to know about. Honestly, the less you know the better off you are. Will you help me get off Andala and to my meet point.
Argenti: Where's the meet?
Zonn: I have coordinates for just beyond the orbit of Arcadia 234.
Argenti: Yeah, I can get you there, but how much can you pay me?
Zonn: I can get you 4 big, upon my delivery to my friends. Is that good enough?
Argenti: Let's go. [ over comms ] Kate, prime the ship. I'm coming in hot.
[ The pair pack up and leave the the flophouse, Argenti tosses a few creds to the desk clerk on the way out, making a show of having apprehended the target. Once out in the lane they make for the elevator platforms. Argenti suspects they are being trailed when he spots a lone man watching them. Arriving on the docking ring the Hunter and prey make a beeline for the waiting ship when...]
GC Hunters |
GC Hunter 1: Good job, we'll take it from here. [ presenting a cred-pad ] I can transfer the full bounty to you here, no need to go to Station SEC.
Argenti: Well thanks fellas, but I'm a stickler for procedure. I've got to turn him in at SEC or my standing could be denied.
GC Hunter 2: Thing is though, you had to pass SEC to get on the docking ring. So maybe we should just take the prisoner for you. [ Both men reveal lethal hardware.]
Stun Glove |
Zonn: [ To Argenti ] They'll kill us both.
Argenti: [ to himself ] Time to test that glove I bought, and the durability of this stunner.
[ Argenti quick draws on the GC men, and a running battle ensues across the dock platform. Sonic blasts whine, as blaster bolts bounce off ship hulls and destroy cargo crates, the stun glove gets a shock or two in and the fugitives reach the safety of the Shesha's Nest! ]
R3-K8: [ Beeping, and whistling frantically!]
Argenti: What do mean take off has been delayed!?! Hatch maintenance my ass.
Zonn: [ looking out the porthole. ] They're out there on the platform, I think they are talking to someone over thier comms.
Argenti: We can't break departure regs, that'll draw too much attention. Andala SEC hasn't shown up yet and there are no platform alerts going off either. They must have a blackout on this ring. Hopefully, we get clearance before they decide to breach my hull.
[ A tense 15 centon standoff occurs, eventually the GC men move out of sight. Then Andala Control clears the Nest for departure, and our fugitives are wary about what comes next! ]
R3-K8: [ grumbling in binary ]
Argenti: I know it's too easy Kate. They're going to try and take us in space. Give me a boost on the targeting comp, Zonn strap in this is going to get bumpy!
[ The Shesha's Nest makes a hot burn for the outer system coordinates supplied by Zonn. At about the halfway mark the scanners start screaming! ]
Zonn: Here they come, two of them.
Scalpers |
R3-K8: [ beeps and twerps] data appears on the console.
Argenti: A pair of fighters, running dark. Scalpers, for sure. They work with those GC Hunters I'm sure of it.
Zonn: Can you out run them?
Argenti: No, but I can out gun them!
R3-K8: [toots, followed by a series of beeps.]
Argenti: That's right Kate, time to turn the tables on them, the hunters become the hunted!!
[ The Bounty Hunter turns his ship 180 degrees and flies directly at the pursuing fighters! The scalpers quickly realize the small ship is crewed by an expert gunner! A fierce dog fight ensues and though there is a close call and the Nest suffers some damage, Argenti destroys both of the Scalpers in spectacular fashion.]
Shesha's Nest |
[ The Shesha's Nest, is a stock Wyhe Tee: 2400 Heavy Fighter. Crew 1 / Passenger 1 / Slot for 1 Mech-bot. FTL capable, and a pilot-linked laser cannon. AC 15 / HP 25 / Sh 3 / Mv 15 / Targeting +2. Argenti himself apprenticed as ships gunner for his Mentor and gains an additional +1 to targeting with ship weapons. ]
[ Argenti delivers Zonn to his meet point and is given the credits he was promised. As a bonus Zonn has a technician reconfigure the transponder code of the Shesha's Nest.]
Zonn: It's the least I could do for you. That should keep any GC backlash from following you around. Your ship will appear clean to their scans.
Argenti: Thanks Alistair, is that even your real name? Do you really work for the Solar Alliance?
Zonn: Yes, it is my real name. And no, we don't work for the SA. We work with them. The Solar Alliance isn't like the Consortium. Things are changing out there in the quadrant Argenti, and some of those changes are coming to Kelron. You may eventually have to choose a side. I hope it's with us.
Argenti: I guess we'll see, when the time comes.
Location: 3 cycles later
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Argon Station - Vector 14/33
Argenti: I heard you're the guy for ship modifications, can you take a look at mine?
Yukon Cantos: Sure, I love nothing more than modding my friend. Let's see what you've got.
The Chop Shop |
The End. . . . for now
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