Friday, May 19, 2023


Season II of Far Trek began on 4/14/23, and we had some new crew members join. 

The Crew:

Captain Cade Grimm - player: Zachary

Lt. Junior Grade  Maxine "Max" Holt - player Selina

XO Chief Science Officer Triarius (Andorian) - player James

[new cast members]

Dr. Desuma T'on (Vulcan) - player Deborah

Engineer Lt. Zug Ruffis (Tellarite) - player Dan

Security Ensign Iota-1 (experimental Bio-roid) - player Sara

Intro Scene:

This episode begins on the USS DIANA, a sister Saladin class ship to the USS ARGO. We see the new cast members on the bridge in serious trouble, sparks flying, red alert blaring, a few bodies of crewmen sprawled about.

Dr. T'on is manning the comms station, Iota-1 is at the helm, Zug is at the engineering station, while a seriously injured Captain calls out orders. Whatever is happening can't be good!

The scene shifts to the USS ARGO where comms alerts Captain Cade to an incoming emergency distress call from the DIANA.

Captain Cade:  Put it on Screen. Davis, what's wrong?

Captain Davis: Cade, ... ship is ...  all around us...  .eed  assistance... .plosive...ecompression, majority of crew dead or blasted into space....  ..ur coordinates are...   ..ome quick....  on't....ast long!

Capt. Cade: Max!

Lt. JG "Max" Holt: I have the coordinates, course laid in and locked sir!

Capt. Cade: Punch it! [ turning to his XO] What do you think, an attack?

Triarius: [Antennae twitching] We have no data to confirm that, but it is a likely assumption. However, what or who has caused this is completely unknown. I suggest we go to Red Alert.

[ Return from commercial break]

The ARGO drops out of warp and is overcome by the devastation they see:
art: John Byrne

As the Diana drifts through space it leaves a trail of debris in its wake. Scans are done and only two life-signs and federation transponder are detected. Also the ship shows signs of severe internal explosions and the warp-core has been ejected.

Capt. Cade: Max, match velocity and put a tractor beam on that ship, steady her so we can get a good lock. Do we have comms?

Lt. JG "Max" Holt: Aye sir, moving into position for tractor beam.

Comms: Sir, nothing on any frequency. I'll keep trying.

Triarius: Those life-signs are weakening, we need to get them onboard as quickly as possible. Why is there a transponder signal on the bridge?

Capt. Cade: Transporter 1, lock on the transponder signal and the life-signs and beam them over. [switching intercom channels] Sick Bay, send a team to Transporter 1 we have possible injured personnel incoming.

[ Scene change - Sick Bay]

Captain Cade and Triarius enter Sick Bay and speak with the Physician on duty about the survivors of the Diana.

Captain Cade: How are they doing?

Doctor: The Vulcan and the Tellarite will be fine, nothing more than scrapes, bruises, and a low grade dose of neutrino-radiation. They will both be done with treatment soon. The third one is very unusual, she's a recently unclassified Bio-roid. Looks to be in perfect condition physically, the psychological trauma may be something else. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

Triarius: Interesting, I haven't had a chance to read up on it... I mean her. She was the transponder code I scanned on the bridge of the Diana.

Capt. Cade: Yes, she was and I spoke with Davis about her after she was assigned to the Diana. She's been through a lot to get where she is and worked harder than most. Anyway, when you clear them send them to conference room 1. 

[ Scene change - Conference room ]

Lt. Ruffis: If I had a few more minutes I'm sure I could have determined what went wrong.

Triarius: You're sure it wasn't sabotage?

Iota-1: That is highly unlikely, since no new personnel or equipment was brought onboard the ship. Our last shore leave was over a month ago, and the Anti-matter refueling was at a starfleet installation. 

Lt. JG Holt: The Diana had just departed prior to our arrival for refueling. Is it possible someone at the station is responsible?

Dr. T'on: Unlikely, but not out of the question. There are civilian scientists at the refueling station. One of them could be compromised. 

[ suddenly the lights flicker, the ship shudders, and metal creaking noises are heard!]

Intercom: Bridge to Captain, we've got power spikes and system failures popping up on every deck.

Lt. Ruffis: This is how it started on the Diana! I need to get to engineering now!

Capt. Cade: Triarius, Max get to the bridge. The rest of you come with me to engineering!

[ Commercial break ]

The crew were able to determine that the ARGO was now showing signs of the same issue that destroyed the DIANA. However, since they were not currently at warp speed the symptoms weren't spreading as rapidly. Ruffis was able to guide the engineering staff in a sequence of tasks that stopped the damage by taking the warp core offline.

With impulse power only it would take months to reach the closest port of call which was the Anti-matter refueling station from which both ships had recently been docked at. Triarius and Ruffis figured out a way to pull off a sort of Warp drive Jump start that would allow the ship to make it back to the refueling station without destroying the ship.... they hoped.

Before leaving, Cade had the crew return to the DIANA and retrieve as many deceased personnel as possible. Iota-1 was especially concerned about this as her creator/mother was on board. Her body was unfortunately not found, and presumed to have been lost through a hull breach. Iota-1, Ruffis, and Dr. T'on searched the crippled ship for any survivors. There were none to be found.

The jump-start was a success and Maxine was able to slow the ARGO down using impulse power and maneuver thrusters bringing them to the location of the Antimatter refueling station. Upon arrival the crew was shocked to see the state of devastation they had hoped to stop! Most of the place looked to have suffered from implosion damage just like the Diana. 

Groups of personnel were discovered to be trapped in various sections of the damaged station. Because of all the radiation leakage and debris, the Argo kept her distance and the crew split up into two rescue parties and went in by shuttlecraft.

Shuttles to the Rescue

Civilians and Ensign rescued.

Medical emergency!

Iota and Dr. T'on perform a miracle.

It takes the combined talents of Dr. T'on and Iota-1 to save the life of the station medical officer who pierced by a metal beam through his chest immobilizing him! They were able to stabilize him and sever the beam on either end and get him and other survivors onto the shuttle.

Once everyone was safe aboard the ARGO, the crew set to figuring out what the cause of all the destruction was. And much to everyone's surprise it not sabotage!!  

It turned out that the most recent anti-matter shipment from which both the DIANA and ARGO had refueled from was filled with a previously undiscovered sentient ant-matter gaseous life form. 

Using science and technological means the beings were contacted and communicated with. It seemed that when the beings were passed through the Dilithium conversion chamber they died (exploded), which was the cause of all the damage done to the DIANA and Station.  

Since none of this was done out of malicious intent, but was from an ignorance of the existence of one another a way to save the remaining beings was worked out.

In the end, the newly discovered alien survivors were returned to the anti-matter nebula from which they had been unknowingly harvested. Federation scientists are now working with the beings to protect and preserve their environment.

The surviving crew of the USS DIANA were reassigned to the ARGO under the command of Captain Cade.

Stay Tuned for more episodes.

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