Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wine Cellars: Legend & Lore

 Jaelle the Disinherited and the magical blade Fang.

It is said that Jaelle was a prince of some far off elven kingdom. Who had somehow gained the title of


Disinherited. How this came to be is lost to time and most don't care to even wonder. What we do know is that Jaelle adventured abroad and was known to wield a particular magical blade called simply "Fang".

It is believed that this blade was a treasure of the serpent-men of the Ghost archipelago found somewhere in the Sea of Dread far to the south. The blade is identifiable by its snake headed hilt and the faint green glow that emanates from the blade when it is close proximity to snakes. Some tales relate that the wielder of Fang could communicate with snakes though no proof of this has been corroborated. Jaelle was said to be able to transform himself into a snake while in possession of Fang, though this is unproven as well since the Elf was also a known practitioner of nature magic. 

It has been at least fifty years since any new tales of Jaelle have graced the songs of the bards, and many believe he finally returned home to claim his kingdom. A tale or really more of a rumor that does persist though, is that of hooded members of snake-cults seeking information on the location of Jaelle and Fang.

The Snake-men

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