Saturday, March 9, 2019

Heritage Dungeon Dwellers display update info.

So in late 2018 I picked up this castle display piece with the intention of using it to show off my Dungeon Dwellers figures.

I had been eyeing this for sometime and a Birthday gift-card finally made me go for it. It is 11 1/8" at its tallest point, 10" wide, and 7' deep (front to back).

I found this one on Amazon after searching around for some time.

When it arrived it was based in black and had a silver drybrushing all over it, with the towers capped in red.

I went over the entire structure with a new black basecoat, then drybrushed a grey all over the castle proper. I have repainted the doors with a dark brown. I plan on flocking the flat ground display areas in front of the castle itself.

Here a re a few shots of the Display as it stands now. I still have work to do but you can see that it looks quite good overall.


  1. Do you happen to have the name or a link for that diorama castle display? I saw one at a gift shop years ago and have never been able to find it again.

    1. I got mine on Amazon, searched for Castle display. Here is a link to pretty cool one I just found:

    2. here is the link for the one I have:
