Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Encounters at Sea # 3: Flotsam & Jetsom

The morning of the third day finds our land-lubbers weary of the rolling seas. Captain Hookah jests that soon enough they will have proper Sea-legs!

It is Moep, puking over the gunwale that spots something in the blue waters......

"Oi! lookie here, I spotted the trail of the Golden Manta!" the little halfling points at what appears to be an almost golden trail of something just beneath the surface of the water.

"That my little friend, is Sargassum." states Hookah, letting Farhoud take the tiller. "We would be wise to steer clear of it too."

Moep spits some bile overboard then asks, "Sargassum, what is it?"

"A sort of seaweed, that drifts about the ocean pulled along by the tides. The odd bit is that when enough of it collects together it can become a sort of submerged island and prove quite dangerous to ships." Hookah, begins scanning the horizon with a spyglass.

The halfling sits down and wipes his mouth on his sleeve. "How is it dangerous, is it alive? Could it attack us?"

Hookah lowers the spyglass and turns to the party, "The Sargasso itself is not a beast, so it cannot attack us. Tarek has figured it though. It can become a floating home for many strange sea creatures, and in large enough conentrations it can even entrap ships."

DM: more to come soon.


  1. Tarek: Submerged island? Is it possible that this Sargassum can conceal things beneath it, such as sea creatures?

    I think we should reamin vigilant just in case.

  2. No, that's your barf! (looking at Moep)

    Oh Silly, it can't attack us! It's seaweed... (sticking tongue out at Moep)

  3. I think a small sample for study might be a good idea if it could be used for magic or medicine!
