Sunday, January 30, 2022

WINE CELLARS: A Grande Expedition

 This session was run on 12/10/21

The Players:

Joe P. : Leonard & Hagar - Magic User & Sinewy Barbarian

Nick: Bugnini - Magic User

Will C.: Master Blaster & Mr. Blister - Dwarf & Fighter

Mike C.: Vexus Lustmort & Apprentice - MU & MU

Dave W.: Randohm Mcshane - Dwarf

John L.: Fredrick IV cleric of Tardome

Chloe: Bearic the bear - Animal Fighter

Selina K.: Varuna Lee - 1/2ling

Deborah K.: Fallyswaggle Pinkledunk - 1/2ling

Bryan W.: Brulan Cobyr the Elf

Leonard & Hagar have organized and funded an expedition with the express purpose of going to the cellar located beneath the main gatehouse of Marqest castle. A notice was posted for adventurers to join in this endeavor and eleven stalwart seekers answered the call.

The large party was delivered to the outskirts of the ruins by a pair of sleigh-wagons as winter has come to the land of Marqest. As a group they were all shocked to see the rumors of changes to the castle itself were quite true. The once decrepit ruins were now rebuilt! The holes in the walls were gone, the gatehouse was almost completely restored.

The party moved through the open gatehouse and into the snow covered courtyard. The group found themselves suddenly surrounded by humpers who had been hiding in the snow. 

What happened next was quick and some would say confusing! The Humpers seemed to attempt a show of parley directed at Vexus, as well making a show of a shaved cow and a shackled man that cried out directly to the Demon-helmed magic-user. The humpers then closed in on the party as a whole as a rythmic beat began to play on drums from some hidden location. What at first was taken as a welcoming dance was quickly realized to be a much darker and creepy invitation! The humpers swayed and thrust themselves at most of the group yet seeming to ignore Vexus and those who stood closest to him! There was something about body oils and much clamoring ensued as physical attempts at capturing party members began!

The bulk of the party was able to do a fighting retreat and backed themselves into and barred the door of the gatehouses western tower; or what to this point had been referred to as the burnt tower. A quick survey of the party was taken and it was realized that Vexus and his apprentice as well as Master Blaster, Mr. Blister and Bugnini were not with them. It was assumed they had gone willingly with the Humpers and that their fate was in their own hands.

The bulk of the group under the leadership of Leonard and Hagar made their way to the old storeroom and from there down the shaft to the location of the infamous wood paneled entry to one of the many wine cellars. 

The remains of the Magic-users Steve & Ambrose as well as a pair of hirelings were laid to rest under the protection of Tardone, and the group readied themselves to enter the cellar and escape with as much wine as possible.

In the meantime Vexus and company were escorted into the Humper tower, where they soon found themselves inducted into a strange ritual including body oils and a large scale game of naked twister!?

Back in the cellar Leonard and the others were hastily collecting wine bottles and daring to forage deeper into the darkness to find their prizes. Soon the group was overcome by a horde of whisperers which descended upon them from the tops of the shelves! Randohm McShane held off wave after wave of the creatures so the party could escape the cellar only to be confronted by school of floating flesh-balls that seemed to hunger for the flesh of the living! As the group ran back towards the shaft to ascend to safety it was Varuna Lee who called upon the Phoenix force to unleash flaming death upon the horrid creatures that pursued them!

Back in town Leonard and company ate a hearty meal and related the tale of what they had seen and done. Master Blaster's wife was told that he, Vexus, Bugnini and their hirelings had been taken by the Humpers and that the probability was high they would not be seen again anytime soon if at all.

THE END... for now