White Star: Episode 9 - Chance Encounters
The Shesha's Nest |
game played: 2/8/2025
Josh - Dame Joohdi Dench, Alien Mystic
Selina - Master Vitis, Star Knight
Steven - Argenti Root, Bounty Hunter
support NPC's
R3-K8 - Argenti's Mech-bot
T8-TUM - Diplomatic bot and companion to Dame Joohdi.
[ Having taken on a bounty from Kellic Van, Argenti and Joohdi have tracked the wanted criminal Crystophon Marrs to the Tannoa system. The bounty hunter anticipates his quarry will be with her gang and Joohdi has agreed to help as the two have become fast friends through the adventures they have already shared. ]
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Tannoa system - Vector 11/24
[The Shesha's nest reverted to normal space as Argenti checks their vector. The blueish glow of the E-drive dimming and replaced by the glare from the binary suns of Tannoa.]
Argenti: I thought you said there were no temples in this system, what made you still want to come along?
Joohdi: Besides our friendship, and my willingness to aid you. I sense a pull in this direction, different from the ones that guide me to the temples. This is more like the connection I felt with the Sailors, but different... I must investigate.
Argenti: The star-girls huh? That was a wild tale, maybe I'll get to meet one this time. K-8, will you transmit our Bounty code to the local GC Feed-comm. Then we can start our search on Furnna.
T8-TUM: Furnna, not Tannoa prime? The population densities are greater amongst the..
Argenti: If Crystophon is still in this system, then Furnna is where she'll be. Tannoa is thick with GC forces and the High Port would be way too dangerous for her. Furnna has a small base population and a higher percentage of transient miners and prospectors. Good place to lay low and furthest from the gravity well of the suns. So quick escape jumps can be done faster from there.T8-TUM: I see, most logical once all factors are taken into consideration.
Location: 9 centars [hours] later
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Tannoa system / Furnna - Vector 11/24
[ The Bounty Hunter sets down at the Landing zone without incident. Only two other small ships are present, a battered light transport and a scout ship. ]
Argenti: K8, you stay here and be ready to lift-off on my call. Joodi is also cleared to give commands as well. Use standard secure protocols.
R3-K8: Bleep-boop!
T8-TUM: I pick up no other life-signs within 18.288 meters. We appear to be quite alone here at the moment.
Argenti: I see a lot of ground vehicle trails heading off in multiple directions. It's going to be like finding a needle in a haystack if Marrs and her crew are here.
Joohdi: I feel the pull again, it's closer... [ the Mystic turns and faces west. ], and stronger clearly from a living entity.
Argenti: [slinging his rifle.] Well let's check it out. Maybe we'll find a clue to the location of our quarry as well.
[ Just west of the landing zone, an escape pod rests in the cooling crystal sands. A lone fugure emerges and gazes eastward. ]
Master Vitis: What's this! The light of Illuma shines brightly suddenly. Is this why I was pulled here? No time for idle questions. I will meet my destiny face to face.
[ the alien Star Knight sets off on foot toward a large crystal column just east of his pod.]
Master Vitis: I wonder how Yuug is handling himself now. The child shows much promise if he can just keep himself centered. He has much to learn and we have too little time I fear.
[ Farther west two pairs of eyes scan the horizon.]
#1: I'm sure it was an escape pod I saw coming down earlier. A meteor would have impacted the surface and we'd have heard it!
#2: Perhaps, if it were large enough, but a small one... Let's just be extra wary anyway eh brother.
[ A half centar later, the trio rounds the side of a large crystal outcropping.]
T8-TUM: I am afraid I just was not built for long term difficult terrain hikes.
Argenti: It's okay Tatum, we're in no rush.
Joohdi: Argenti! [ pointing at a robed figure standing before them]
[ The trio find themselves face to face with an unexpected being.]
Master Vitis |
Master Vitis: Greetings, are you locals to this area?Argenti: [ hand near his stunner, while eyeing the short metal rod on the stranger's belt ] No, we just happen to be visiting. How about yourself?
Joohdi: It is you I sensed is it not? The light of Illuma is strong within you!
Master Vitis: I am a follower of the Way. I sense something as well, but it is carried with you. Do hold something upon your person??
Argenti: [ stepping back and talking to Tatum] Are they both the same species? I can tell there is a similarity between them.
T8-TUM |
T8-TUM: Only in as much as Dame Joohdi and the newcomer are both what you refer to as "Plantients". Or per the Galactic Encyclopedia entry - Sentient Organic Plant Species. The stranger is of the Sedom species and Dame Joohdi is of the Luminae species. Though similiar both are quite...Argenti: Ok, I got it.
Master Vitis: It is quite rare to see a Luminae off-world. What is you're title?
Joohdi: [ rooting through his pack, reveals the statue he carries to the stranger.] I am called Dame Joohdi Dench, my title is "He who Seeks".Master Vitis: [ taking the statue, and inspecting it intently] Yes, this makes sense now. Illuma has seen fit to guide us both to meet. Then the search has begun? How many have you found?
Joodhi: If it is the Temples you speak of, I have located two so far. And I have a sense of a few more.
Master Vitis: [ handing back the statue] That is good news, and it adds a sense of urgency to my own task. Have you encountered any others like me? Is this human your ally?
Joohdi: Yes, and my friend. We work together and it has been beneficial to us both. I trust him with my life. I have also met a pair of Star Sailors, they were there for my initiation.
Master Vitis: The Sailors have returned, fortutious indeed! In that case, I am Master Vitis and I will aid you in your endeavor here. I recently landed in a pod just over that rise. You both came to this planet for a reason I surmise did you not?
Argenti: We have. I'm tracking a wanted criminal named Chrystophon Marrs. I need to bring her in alive, but I don't see how you'll be of much help having just arrived here. I can vouch for Joohdi's skills, but what can you do to help us.
Master Vitis: Illuma's light has brought us together, how I can help exactly remains to revealed. But it will be, in time. I do happen to know there is an outpost west of here, about two centars walk I estimate.
Joohdi: Illuma guides Argenti, nothing is by chance.
Argenti: Ok, ok. Well at least we can ask around for info at that outpost. Alright Master Vitis, welcome to the team. For now.
[ The group of four head west and soon top a rise overlooking a dilapidated prospecting outpost. From the cover of a large crystal spire they decide what to do next.]
Outpost |
Argenti: Looks deserted, oh nope there is someone now. [ sees a lone figure emerge from a hut and enter what looks to be a garage shed.] I suppose we should head down there and see what we can discover.Joohdi: We should ask for water canteens as well, if we have to continue on from here.
T8-TUM: Do you think they might loan us a speeder or rover? My knee joints are getting stiff with crystal dust and I fear...
Argenti: Maybe we can oil your joints in thier garage.
Master Vitis: I sense something. . . .
[ The party are taken by surprise as a pair of beings leap down on the group from above. They had been watching them approach from their hiding place atop the crystal spire. A pair of reptillians quickly disarm Joohdi of his staff, and Argenti is incapacited with a stun-net!]
Plietuz & Izohsta |
Plietuz: What have we here brother? A well armed human, two plants and a valet-bot. What an odd group.Izohsta: That one's a Hunter for sure Plietuz, look at his weapons! [gesturing towards Argenti, struggling on the ground in the net] We should kill them now!
Joohdi: [eyeing the silver whip the second retillian used to disarm him.] We are but humble prospectors, and the human is our hired guide.
Plietuz: [tongue flicking] Hear that, Izohsta?? They are mere prospectors, marching about the dunes with no proper gear or rover! Hah!
Master Vitis: [Steps towards the one called Plietuz, and makes a subtle motion with his hand.] Dear Plietuz it is I Vitis, your companion of old.
Plietuz: [stares at the old one for a few seconds then lowers his weapon] Vitis! How long has it been? Brother watch the human, Vitis is an old friend!
Izohsta: [confused] He is? I don't remember you ever knowing a plantient!?!
[ After a few minutes, Master Vitis is able to convince the reptillians that he and Joohdi were captured by Argenti for the bounties on thier heads. The brothers agree to take the Hunter and the others to the cantina at the outpost where they can talk about what to do next. ]
Plietuz: [dragging the net-bound Argenti] Lucky we happened upon you eh, don't like bounty hunters much!
Master Vitis: Indeed fortunate for my companion and myself. We thought we had evaded him, but he quite tenacious. Have you been on Furnna long?
Izohsta: [trailing the party, still suspicious of his brother's "new" found friend] Old friend, indeed. Since when my brother, since when??
Joohdi: [keeping an eye on the second reptillian, while giving a hand signal for patience to Argenti] That is a fine whip you have there, is it handcrafted.
Izohsta: Eh? No, it is typical of its make. I lifted it from a human I killed in a bar fight.
Cantina |
[ Entering the cantina, Plietuz leaves Argenti bound on the floor a few feet inside the doorway. A dark haired woman sitting at the bar turns to look at the group, she is armed and seems quite disturbed.]
Marrs: Plietuz! What in the dark-star are you doing!
Plietuz: Marrs, this is my old friend Vitis. We caught the Hunter that was after him and...
[ before the reptillian can finish, the woman unslings her laser carbine and taps a crystal buckle on her belt that emits a high-pitched whine.]
Marrs |
Marrs: You idiot, that's a Star-Knight youv'e been brain-swayed!! [ firing two bolts of energy at Vitis]Izohsta: I knew something was off! [stepping forward, he smacks Vitis in the back with the pommel of his knife] I'll brain-sway you!!
T8-TUM: [shuffling quickly to one side of the doorway, hands raised] I have no weapons!
Joohdi: [swings his staff to knock Izhosta off the old master] Step back, please!
Master Vitis: [reeling from the blaster hits and the blow upon him from behind, draws and ignights his Star-sword, deftly slicing the net open holding Argenti] Quickly lad, I'm afraid I'm worse off than it appears!
Argenti: [rolling out of the net but staying prone he draws his blaster and fires on Plietuz, the shots just miss as the reptile dives behind a table for cover] Don't let Marrs get away!
[ Marrs takes aim at Joohdi, whose back is to her as he is facing off with Izohsta. Plietuz fires back at Argenti striking the bounty hunter once. The Star Knight stumbles to cover trying to stay concious!]
Joohdi: [sweeping his right hand from left to right, then pointing at the floor while staring intently at Plietuz and Marrs] This ends now!
Izohsta: [watching as his brother and Marrs slump to the floor seemingly dead!] What have you done... do they live??
Argenti: [standing and pointing his blaster at the reptile.] They'll live, but you won't unless you drop your weapons! All of them!
Joohdi: [looking from Argenti to Izhosta] His aim is much better when he's standing, and he means what he says.
Izohsta: [dropping his knife and belt to the floor] Let me take my brother from here and we will not hinder your hunt.
Argenti: [moving to place himself between Vitis and the reptile] Take him, but leave his weapons here as well. If i see you again, I'll put you both down. Joohdi, secure Marrs and Tatum check on Vitis.
[ Izohsta is allowed to take his brother and leave the cantina, while Joohdi binds and disarms Marrs. Master Vitis is aided to a seat by Tatum and begins a healing meditation. After collecting all the weapons left by the three criminals, they hear the sound of a rover engine start and then drive off.]
Argenti: [looking out a window] The brothers and the man we saw earlier, high-tailing it out of here. I'll call K8 to come pick us up. How you doing old plant?
Master Vitis: I'll be fine in a few microns, just a little winded.
Argenti: Well that didn't go the way I anticipated. You're pretty good with that sword Vitis, think I could get one of those?
Master Vitis: Only those who are special, may wield a Star sword.
Argenti: I'm pretty special! [ spinning his blaster and holstering it in a quick motion]
Joohdi/Vitis: [simultaneously] Not "that" special.
Argenti: Ouch!
[ The Shesha's Nest arrives and the party stow Marrs in an ISO-Cabinet till she can be delivered to GC Authorities. ]
Location: 9 centars [hours] later
Red Shift - Kelron Sector - Tannoa High Port - Vector 11/24
GC High Port SEC |
GC Sec-sergeant: Nice work Hunter, here's the voucher for Marrs. You can convert it to a cred-stik at any exchange in the Sector. Take a look at the Most Wanted Feed, we got a half dozen scum roaming the Red Shifts. You could rack up some cash if you keep bringing them in like this.
Argenti: Thanks, think I'll take a little break before I set out again though.
[ Argenti watches as a pair of SEC troopers wheel Marrs through a set of reinforced doors still in full stasis in the ISO-cabinet.]
Argenti: When do I get my ISO back? Those things aren't cheap you know.
GC SEC-sergeant: The voucher covers the cabinet, you'll have enough to purchase another one.
Location: 30microns later - the passenger gate for outbound ships.
Joohdi: May Illuma guide you Vitis.
Master Vitis: And may your way never be darkened, my son.
Argenti: Where are you headed to Vitis?
Master Vitis: That is for me to know, and my apprentice to figure out. Though i have a strong feeling we will all meet again.
SPEAKER: Outbound shuttle 42 now boarding at gate 3.
Master Vitis: That is my ship, be seeing you my friends.
[ The pair watch as the elder Star Knight blends into the crowd and disappears from sight.]
Argenti: We didn't meet any Star-girls, just an old plantient that swings a mean laser sword.
Joohdi: A Star Kinght, Argenti. [ the Mystic whispers, as the pair turn and head back to the docking bay.] And they are called Star-Sailors, the Star-girls were the headliners at that low rent cabaret you took me to on Argon station.
Argenti: Oh yeah, that's right! Pretty good show too, we should go there again when we get back. what do you say?
Joohdi: I say I have a lot a meditating to do, and my search for more temples to direct my attention towards.
Argenti: ok, ok Temple hunting. Say did i ever mention that place where lost my mentor? I think it might be one of these places you're seeking.
for now. . . . .